"I guess"

"To the police station we go!"


"Yes, hi, I'm looking for an officer that goes by the name of Decker", I say as I stand at the front desk in the police department. The man sitting at the desk looks at me before laughing, "Kid, you can't just come in here and ask for an officer, you could be anybody. We're not allowed to disclose any information about our officers", he says. By the looks of it he looked like a detective. I place the picture I found on the table and sigh, "Please, I'm trying to find my real father and I think I might have a lead", I say as I hand him the picture. He shakes his head and hands me back the picture, "Sorry, kid, I don't recognize the guy"

"At all?", I ask him as I frown. He shakes his head. "Well thank you anyway", I tell him as I start walking away. "Wait! Wait—I might be able to help you", he says as he calls me back over. I walk back towards him as he motions for me to give him back the picture. "He doesn't work here anymore, but he used to"

"What's his name?"

"Detective Mark Decker. He transferred to another department a few months ago. Listen, I shouldn't even be telling you any of this, I could lose my job", he says as he pulls me aside. "I promise I'm not lying. I just really want to find out if this man is my father"

"I'll give you the address but I can't promise you he'll want to talk, he's a pretty busy man now", he says he writes down the address on a piece of paper. I grab it from him and thank him as I walk back to my car. Jessica wasn't able to come with me so I was alone, but I believe that this is something that I truly have to do on my own.

I take a deep breath as I read the address, putting the car in reverse and driving out of the parking lot. It took me twenty minutes to reach the police department. When I walk in, cops and detectives are running around, and phones are ringing. I walk up to the first person I see and tap their shoulder. She turns around and gives me a warm smile, "Hey, can I help you?"

"Yes, actually. I'm looking for a detective by the name of Mark Decker. I need to speak to him, it's important", I tell her. She looks at me up and down before giving me a confused look, "Is there any reason as to why you need to see detective Decker?"

"It's a long story but it's really important"

She sighs as she excuses herself from the officers she was taking to, "He's out working on a case right now but you can stay and wait for him"

"That would be great, thank you", I smile at her as I sit down. I nervously look around the police department as I tap my foot on the ground. I begin drumming my fingers on my thigh—a bad habit that I acquired when I was a teenager. I lean against the chair as I watch officers and detectives walk in and out of the department, some rushing off when they received another case or call.

I pull my jacket closer to my body as I hold the picture in my hand, analyzing every aspect of it. I don't know what I was thinking coming here. I don't know if this is a good idea, what if I didn't find my dad? What if the man I was going to meet wasn't who I thought he was? "Miss?"

I look up as I put the photo back into my bag. My gaze falls on an older looking man but not too old. I clear my throat as I recognize who he is, "Yes, hi! I know this may sound crazy but I really need to talk to you, it's important"

"Okay, stay calm sweetheart. Let's go somewhere more private", he smiles at me as he leads the way. I nod my head and follow him as we walk into an interrogation room. He closes the door and sits down on the metal chair as he motions for me to do the same. "How can I help you?"

"Well, my name is Daniella Val— Daniella!", I say. He raises his eyebrows at me, "Just Daniella? Do you have a last name?"

"I do—I did. Okay so to make things quick and easy, I found out that the man who I thought was my father for the past twenty-four years is not my real father and I'm trying to find him", I explain to him as I hold my hands together. "And you want me to find him?"

"Not exactly. You see, I tried finding him on my own, and as I was doing some research I found this photo from the day I was born—you're in the picture with my mom and I. I was thinking that maybe you could be my father—my real father", I say slowly as my eyes water.  I hand him the picture as he looks at it. It was silent between the two of us for a few minutes before he cleared his throat and handed me back the picture, "I'm sorry I can't help you"

"What? But that's you in the picture isn't it?", I exclaim as I look him straight in the eyes. He opens the door and motions for me to leave. I try and speak but no words escape my mouth as my lip begins to tremble. I walk out of the room as he brings me to the exit, "Please, I just want to find my real father. I'm tired of being lied to"

"I'm sorry, kid, I can't help you", he says as I walk out of the department. I glance over at him one more time before looking away. I check my bag for the picture but panic when I don't feel it. I open my bag wider as I try and look for the old picture but find no such luck. I sigh as I realize that I left it in the interrogation room but get into my car nonetheless. I didn't need it anyways, he wasn't my father, and I was afraid that I'd never find him.


Happy belated birthday to the queen that is Zoey Deutch!!! Happy birthday to the most amazing, beautiful, funny, down to earth and talented girl ever!

BY THE WAY.... I got Disney + and I'm in actual heaven. I feel like I'm being brought back to my childhood and I kid you not when I say I started crying a little. I'm so happy and excited omg! All of my Disney dreams have come true and more! ~Sabrina

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