10// Hospital visit

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Lisa's P.O.V

While their doing surgery on Lauren's leg, im pacing back and forth around the waiting room.

Tell them.

They have to know.

I picked up my phone and dialed Dani. The others would freak out. Dani's problem now, not mine. Well it is my problem but..


I held the phone to my ear, "Dani?"

"Where are you? Christina and mom are freaking out be-"

"Look I know! Im sorry, but you and the rest need to come to the hospital."

"What did you do!?" Dani yelled.

I speedily hung up the phone and took a deep breath.

Dani's P.O.V



"UGH!" I slammed the phone down.

"Whats wrong?" Katherine asked.

"Lauren's in the hospital, lets go!"

"Wait what? why?" Amy questioned.

"I dont know! But can we please hurry?"


"Lisa Cimorelli!" Christina yelled.

Lisa spun around, "Uhh, hey gu-"

"What happened, and dont lie!" Amy yelled.

Lisa took a deep breath, "Lauren got caught in a tunnel, then it callapsed and now she's having leg surgery, no biggy!" Lisa tried to turn around but Amy's eyes widened. She ran to Lisa, grabbed her and pushed her against the wall, "WHAT TUNNEL!!!" she shouted.

We all stood back confused at her sudden outburst. Lisa gave Amy a look, then Amy gasped, "Are you crazy!?!?!?! Why did you let her go in?"

"I didnt know it'd fall! I just wanted to scare her! I didnt know! I sware!"

"Scare her how?" I asked.

"By abondoning her at the tunnel. Like she did to me."

"Oh let it go!" Katherine yelled, "You werent in pain, Lauren is-"


We spun around to see a doctor, about mid-age i think.

"Well, Lauren Cimorelli is fine. She will just be in a wheel chair/ crutches for a few months."

I sighed in relief, "Can we see her?"


"Hey Lolo bean." Amy said softly.

I brought up a chair and sat next to Lauren. Everyone did the same. It was silent until Lisa broke the silence, "Lauren Im really-"

"Sorry? Yea you should be." Lauren interupted.

Lisa sunk back into her chair. It was quiet once again.

"How's your leg?"

"Painful. What did you think?!" Lauren spat at Christina.

"Laur are you okay?"

"Perfect." she muttered, "Im just gonna be in a cast for what? 6? 7 months? Im perfect Dani. Just perfect."


"Uhh, need help getting upstairs?" Amy offered.

"No. I got it." Lauren said quietly, then disapeared into the hallway.

"Poor Lauren.." I said.

"Guys.. I really am sorry. I didnt mean for things to go this far, and I regret this. The drake thing, the everything. I regret it all. Lauren is my baby sister and all I wanted was revenge. Im sorry.."

"We dont care Lise. We arent the ones with the broken leg. Tell Lauren that.. see if she forgives you." Christina said.


Its not that I didnt have time to update.. I've just been verryyy lazy.Sowwwy!

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