Emma's POV

"Come on girl. Let me see it!" Alyssa begged me , clasping both hands together. I smiled at my friend's ridiculousness and laughed. I opened my backpack and replied, "Ok, ok. I'll show you. You can only take a peek though. I wrapped it in tissue paper and would prefer if it wasn't torn to pieces."

Alyssa snatches my backpack out of my hands, despite my protests. She looked around, as if to make sure no one was watching, then poked one hand into my bag and lifted up the paper, revealing the black jacket.

Alyssa gasped in surprise and quickly handed my backpack back to me. She whispered, excitement flashing in her eyes, "The jacket is awesome Emma! Alan's going to love it!" I sure hope so. I smiled at her and replied, "Hopefully."

We walked into the classroom, talking about random stuff. Everyone was crowded around Alan, even people that weren't in our class. They were wishing Alan a happy birthday and giving him gifts, but Alan didn't look like he was paying much attention to them. His eyebrows were furrowed, deep in thought, and his eyes showed concentration and confusion. I frowned, a little worried about his strange behaviour, but didn't think about it much longer as Alyssa gripped my arm and said, "Now's your chance girl! I already gave my gift. Go for it!"

I smiled gratefully at Alyssa and elbowed my way past the countless fans crowded around Alan. Alan noticed me almost immediately and broke out of reverie, smiling and waving at me. I smiled back and handed Alan the jacket that I had taken out of my backpack while saying, "Happy birthday Alan. This is for you. I hope you like it."

Alan beamed at me and replied, "Thanks Emma." I flashed him one more smile and pushed my way out of the crowd once more. Alyssa was already waiting for me at our usual seats. Alyssa put her hand around my shoulder and said reassuringly, "Alan's going to love it. I just know it. He's blind if he doesn't see it." I smiled at my best friend. She was always so protective of me.

Though I wasn't really worried about what Alan thought of the jacket. Actually, I didn't really care.

I had other things to worry about.

After school

"Hey Emma. Wanna go hang out today?" Alyssa asked me as the school bell rang. I replied, "Let me ask my mom first." I pulled my phone out of my backpack, only to find a message from Mom.

Mom-Emma, come home immediately after school. The limo will come pick you and your brothers up.

Emma-Sure thing Mom

I smiled sadly at Alyssa and said, "Sorry Alyssa. Mom needs me." Alyssa just shrugged and replied, "No problem. Another time then." We walked out of the school doors together and stopped by the stairs.

Just as I was about to walk down, Alyssa grabbed my arm and said, "Wait Emma. I totally forgot. Is it true that your mom is Ladybug? Mom told me about it." I tensed and cursed under my breath. I had managed to avoid this topic all day at school. I definitely didn't want to address it. It was still kind of a sore spot.

Luckily for me, the limousine pulled up to the school just then, saving me from needing to explain to Alyssa. I shot her an apologetic glance and said quickly, "Sorry Alyssa. Gotta go!" I rushed off towards the limousine, leaving a startled Alyssa behind. I could hear her calling out my name, but I didn't stop until I reached the limousine and climbed inside. Hugo and Louis were already there, waiting for me.

Louis waved and said, "Hey Emma." I smiled and leaned my head back against the seat. I breathed a sigh of relief. I had really dodged a bullet back there. I wasn't the best of liars and Alyssa is my best friend. She would see through  any lie that I told.

Book 1: New RevelationsWhere stories live. Discover now