Chapter 17| Blindness

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   Walking towards the open doors of the entrance hall, Kendall walked over towards the gatekeeper who was always at his post

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Walking towards the open doors of the entrance hall, Kendall walked over towards the gatekeeper who was always at his post. "Excuse me, have you heard any news of Rodrigue arriving recently?"

"Greetings! He just passed here not too long ago. He also had some special guests with him."

"Do you know where he went by any chance?"

"I heard he was going to the dining hall to share a meal with said special guests."

"Thank you so much!"

"You're very welcome! Anything for the professor's former student! I remember you running errands several times with the professor in the past!"

"You noticed that much? I'm impressed. Even after all those times, I never even got your name, so what is your name?."

"Oh! Well... No one has ever asked me my name before. My name is Max."

Kendall sheepishly smiled. "Is it because your motivation is always maxed out?"

"That's exactly it! Even if my job is just to stand here and keep watch, I enjoy my job very much!"

"I don't know if you get told this often, but... You're doing a really good job, and I'm proud of you. I appreciate you, Max."

Max seemed touched by Kendall's words. "Not many has ever expressed their gratitude to me before. I'm really happy!"

Kendall smiled. "I'm glad that I could make your day a little brighter. I can swing by later with the professor."

"It's been too long since I've seen the professor! Please do whenever you can!"

"I will whenever she has spare time! I'll be on my way. Keep up the good work, Max!" Saluting each other, Kendall entered the entrance hall as a shortcut, heading towards the dining hall.

Not before too long, Kendall stepped foot into the dining hall. Looking around with her eyes, she spotted Rodrigue sitting at the table with Byleth and a couple other people she wasn't expecting to be here.

Slowly walking towards the table, Kendall made herself known. "What is going on..?"

Rodrigue turned towards Kendall. "Ah, you're here. Thank you for sending out that message to me."

"You're welcome, but... What are they doing here..?"

"I've recently got in contact with the Leicester Alliance, and they responded back very quickly. They agreed to help us fight against the empire."

Before Kendall could process the news, the girl with familiar pink hair got up from her seat, practically running towards her and embracing her. "It's been so long, Kendall! I missed you!"

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