Chapter Twenty:

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My birthday, my eighteenth birthday and she wasn't even here. I stood in the hall bathroom looking at myself in the mirror. I let out a sigh, I felt better today than I did the others.

I walk out of the bathroom and head to the livingroom to see that it had been decorated just for my special day, a cake lay on the bar, everyone wore birthday hats, even Butch and Ellie who were laying beside each other on the floor in front of the table.

Alex had his arm wrapped around Vivi's waist, Jax stood leaning against the counter looking me in the eyes with a grin on his face as he playfully brought his finger towards the icing on the cake. Dad stood behind the bar with a huge smile on his face laughing at Jax's antics, and there stood Damon, the man of my dreams. His arms crossed over his chest, a large loving smile on his face and love in his eyes.

I reach the bottom of the stairs and walk over, Damon gives me a kiss and the others give me hugs, all except Jax who smears icing on my cheek and laughs. "Happy birthday lil sis." He says causing everyone to laugh. We had told everyone that me and him were half siblings a day after the day they came to visit.

I laugh and playfully push him away. "You're not right in the head." I say causing him to laugh as I wipe the icing off and smear it on his face. "Oh thanks." He replies trying to lick it away with his tongue.

I shake my head and smile as a pair of arms snake their way around me as Damon kisses me on the nape of my neck. "Happy birthday beautiful." He says resting his hands on my stomach. "How do you feel?" He asks causing me to smile.

"Never better."

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