Chapter Nineteen:

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[Damon's POV:]

    I wake up with June laying beside me, my arms wrapped around her, our naked bodies spooning together.  I look over at her alarm clock which had woke me up with it's annoying alarm.

  I shift carefully trying my best not to disturb her and turn off the alarm. I kiss her softly on the temple. "Hey babe...its time to get up." I say causing her to open her beautiful green eyes.

  "Goodmorning beautiful." I greet causing her to smile. She sits up and stretches allowing me to take in he beautiful body.

  "I've got to get a shower." She says before standing up and wrapping the white sheet around her naked body. I grin before walking over and wrapping it around me also, pulling our bodies close together. "Do you want me to join?" I question causing her to smile.

  "The more the merrier." She replies causing me to plant a kiss on her lips before we make our way to the bathroom.


[At school:]

  I walk into into the lunchroom once lunchtime arrived and make my way over to June and the others who were now joined by Jax. I sit down beside June and hand her a extra sandwich I had made for her. She smiles and takes it before taking a bite and giving me an approving look.

  The day had been great actually, nobody treated me any different, nobody showed me pity. It was a normal day.

  I wait for June once lunch ends and we make our way to our last class hand in hand. Taking a seat I find myself thinking back to last night and our heated makeout session in the shower early this morning.

    "Jax has football practice afterschool today you maybe want to get something to eat after this?" June asks rippin game away from my memories.

  "Uhh...y-yeah." I say blushing as she pushes a side of her red hair behind her ear. I see her smile back at me and I lean in for a kiss only to remember that we aren't at home, but in school where PDA can get you in trouble.  I pull back causing her to laugh and take my hand underneath the table as the teacher plays a video clip about the lesson on the projector for ths class.

  After school ended we headed out to her car. Vivi had computer club, and Cason had Drama. Which left me and June alone for who knows how long.

  We pull into a parking spot and walk over to one of the ordering screens underneath the shelter of Sonic.

  We place our orders and wait for our food as we carry on conversations. I was in love with her, we had shared something only lovers would share, I was hers and only hers.


[2 weeks later:]
(June's Pov:)

  I lay in bed, mom and dad were arguing downstairs, Alex was with Vivi in town, Jax was at football practice, and Damon was at work.

  He had gotten a job last week and decided that he would start saving up for his own place. We had been sharing a bed since Jax's snoring kept Damon awake and occasionally sleeping together.

  I roll over onto my side trying to ease the nauseous feeling in my stomach. I was running a fever earlier and Damon said that he'd bring me back some medicine once he got off work.

  My birthday was tomorrow and I hoped that I would be feeling better. Nobody wanted ro be sick on their eighteenth birthday. I reach over on my nightstand and take two midol to see if it would help out with the nausea.

  I groan and sit up just as someone gently knocks on the bedroom and and walks in. It was Damon, carrying a grocery bag. "What's that?" I ask as he sits down on the bed.

  "I brought you some chocolate and a diet Dr. Pepper. Plus I brought you something for that cold of yours." He says giving me a kiss.

  "Hey..I don't want to get you sick." I say pulling away. He gives me a smile before balling up the plastic bag and throwing it away in the trashcan beside my bed I had been puking in.

  "Have you thrown up anymore since lunch?" He asks only for me to nod. "Yeah...i can't keep anything down, i also think i may have a UTI, I've been having to pee alot." I say as he sits back down.


  Supper time came around and Damon finally managed to get me out of bed. I sat at the table beside him with Dad, Alex, Cason, Jax and Mom. It was quiet, none of us said a word.

  Mom finished her plate first and got up giving dad a dirty look before placing her plate in the sink roughly and heading out the front door.

  "So...Mr Richcrest," Jax begins only to be stopped by dad. "Please Jax, call me Jack or Jackson."

  "Okay, well...Jack, is um everything okay with you and your wife?" He asks causing dad to place his fork down and look up.

  " not really, we're getting a divorce." He says putting me into shock. "Are you serious?" I ask causing dad to nod his head.

  "She's been going off slapping with other men..and she's back on drugs." He says bringing tears to my eyes. "Why does she have to do that!" I exclaim suddenly feeling a wave of nausea wash over me.

  "Baby...are you okay?" I hear Damon ask only for me to quickly run to the downstairs bathroom and puke up everything I had eaten.

   I hear Damon walk in and feel he grab my hair and pull it back so u dont get anything in it. He runs my back gently as I push away from the toilet and sob.

  "Why does she have to do this to her own family?" I question as Damon pulls me close.

  "I've got you baby." He says rubbing my shoulder and resting his head against mine.


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