chapter 1

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bakugous pov

I sat on my bed on my phone after finishing my homework its so easy any idiot can do it  I thought just as I was thinking this I heard a knock at my door with a sigh I slowly got up and went to my door I opened the door prepared to yell but quickly stopped when I noticed it was only shity hair, "what do you want shity hair its 8:00pm I'm going to bed soon" he put a hand behind his head shyly and to no surprise he asked  "well I was hoping you'll be able to help me with this maths homework I'm really struggling on it" "are you serious how stupid are you" I blurted out he actually looked sad he was still smiling but I can see it in his eyes I took I deep breath then looked out on the hall way of my dorm to see if any of the other idiots were there and luckily they weren't so I grab kirishimas arm and pull him into my dorm to help him because that's what friends do right? he almost tripped on his feet from the sudden force but didn't. I sat down to where I was doing my homework hours before he seemed confused for a second "so do you need help on the maths homework or not" I say no anger attached to it, when he realises what i said his face lit up this idiot i think as a small smile threatens to show on my face.

time skip to when there done because I'm lazy

"do you get it now" I say when I finished helping kirishima with the homework it is now 8:30pm i just want go to sleep now "yeah I think so thank you bakogou" he say happily how dose he have so much energy at this time. we sit in silence for a bit until he suddenly gets up and starts to walk to the door I put my head on the edge of my bed when kirishima turns around "hey I know you probably don't want to but do you want to watch a movie with me" is he serious dose he know what time it is "like right now?" I question "well I mean yeah I know this is the time you usually go to sleep but its Saturday tomorrow and I know you would be done with your homework you don't have to watch a movie with me but you can chose if you want to watch one" he smiles awkwardly. honestly I've be unable to say no to him recently but I'm really tiered "I... shity hair I'm really tired right now but if you really want to watch a movie we can watch a bunch of movies tomorrow" he had to think for a second before rapidly nodding his head "that's great ill see you tomorrow bakugou night" he yelled slightly with a massive grin on his face and he walked out my dorm room when he shut the door behind him I could still hear him run into his dorm room next to mine, i wouldn't say this out loud but he is cute when he smiles but any one would think he's cute right? I'm just really happy he is my friend.

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