7. En Garde

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Today was a little different. All of us were going to watch Manny's young fencing tournament. Everyone sat down except from me and Mitch because there wasn't any room. 'Bravo! Bravo!' Aunt Gloria shouted as Manny won a round. We were all applauding him. Manny was quite good actually. Cameron had his camcorder and a massive tripod so he could record the whole thing. There was another round and focused on Manny. And then the buzzer went off and Manny had won yet again.

'Bravo!' Me and Aunt Gloria shouted at the same time while applauding him.

'Bravo, Manny! Bravo!' Aunt Gloria shouted as Manny took his mask off and put his hands in the air. He still had another round which he won. Then there's was another round and he kept winning. I was slowly getting bored so I went on my phone and started texting one of my friends, Alexis. I really didn't want to spend my time watching this, when everyone cheered I joined in.

'All right. That's my boy!" Jay shouted loudly, the whole time I was here I had to watch out seeming as Cam was swinging a camcorder around.

'Would this be easier...if we suspended you from a crane?' Mitch said while pushing the camera away.

'That was a good one.' I said with a light laugh.

'Any monkey can shoot a home movie.' Cam said to him, I would like to see that happen. The buzzer went off again and I saw Aunt Gloria jump up and start speaking in Spanish.

'¡Ay! Sorry. Sorry.' She said to Claire with a laugh.

'That's okay.' Phil said to her. My phone started ringing so I answered it, it was Alexis we started having a conversation but I couldn't hear her probably, I saw Cam run along the side lines and I started laughing a little bit. I moved a bit further away so I could hear Alexis talk more. When the call ended so do the rest of the tournament.

'How about a nice round of applause for our winner, Manny Delgado.' A man said, we all started clapping. 'Manny now moves on to the championship, where he'll be competing against Caroline Markum. We'll see you all back at 4:30.' He added, how was I going to get out of coming back here.

'All right.' Jay said while clapping.

'Bravo.' Aunt Gloria said before speaking to fast for me to understand.

'What she said.' Jay said to Manny who was hugging him.

'Wow. This mean more to Dad than it does to Manny.' Claire said to Mitch.

'Yeah, it's his chance to be a father of a champion. Well, second chance. We all know how the first time went.' Mitch said Claire, I wish people understood that the other week I won a swimming meet the other week.

'Did I say something wrong?' Claire asked him.

'No, no. I'm- -I'm very happy for Manny. That's all.' Mitch said to her.

'I mean I'm a champion I won my swim meet 2 weeks ago.' I said to both of them, they looked at me.

'And you didn't tell us?' Claire asked me, I shook my head.

'Well, the next time your doing one. Tell us.' She said making me smile and nod.

'I will.' I said to her.

'I wanna thank you guys for coming by and supporting the kid. You guys are the best!' Jay said while hitting Phil on the back. We started leaving the building. When we got home, I went straight up to my room. I was on phone taking pictures before Jay came to my room and delivered a t-shirt to me. I put it on and wanted to take it off already. I was so tired of hearing about this today, no one made a t-shirt for me that read "Y/n just keep swimming." But instead Manny gets one. When we got back there, I walked inside immediately. I actually had a seat this time. 'Stay focused, stay loose and stay angry. Who's the toughest?' Jay said to Manny, I wish I had those words said to me the other week.

'I am.' Manny said back.

'Who's the bravest?' Aunt Gloria asked him.

'I am.' He said back.

'Who's the best cousin?' I asked him with a smile.

'I am.' He said to me with a smile.

'Who's the baddest?' Jay asked him.

'Can you guys all the questions now so I don't have to keep lifting this?' He asked us we blushed him away.

'Go, go get 'em!' Jay said before I moved back to sitting next to Alex. I was talking Cam the whole time. I saw a bunch of people come in. They must have been for the girl, I'd heard her nurse talking. I heard the whistle blow and they started. The whole time people were groaning, Manny was winning. I saw Caroline walk off.

'A round of applause for our winner, Manny Delgado.' The announcer said, we started walking out. We all stopped when we saw Mitchell and Claire dancing in the car park. I saw Cam recording it. They were good actually. In life it shouldn't matter if people come and support you with important events in your. Just as long as you know that their supporting you from where you are, I know that even though my parents aren't here and our in prison. I know that they just want a better and happy life for their little girl. When I got home I said that I was going out, I went to the Dunphy residence and hung out with Luke. We got on really well.

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