"Bodes knows, doesn't he?"

"Don't remind me. He threatens to tell Dad every time I fuck up. 'Oh Callie, just wait until dad finds out about your gross sex show.' He acts like I'm in porn!" I rolled my eyes as we settled into our seats and prepared for our second show of the school year. A few nights a week at 11 PM we answer everything your heart desired about sex, relationships, and everything in between.

"Why on earth would your dad care? Didn't he write erotica?" She turned on the computer next to her, bringing up our infamous campus message board. Whereat least 50 questions had already posted hoping to get answered tonight.

"Write it?! He had a fucking movie franchise about it. God — I don't even want to think about my dad writing that. You've never seen my dad, have you? I had a fling in high school who was fucking terrified of him. All my dad had to do was stare at him and I was boyfriend less." I snorted. My poor, poor ex Cale who ran away at the sight of my angry, muscular, and heavily tattooed father. I never saw him again. I'm pretty sure he transferred schools.

"So why would he care again?" Jade asked as we put on our headphones.

"Because, I'm his firstborn, little baby girl. Why would he want me to discuss you know what on a radio show?" I said through a smile. "You ready for this?" I asked, my hand hovering above the great, red button that would send our voices through the airwaves.

"You better fucking believe it," She whispered, as we hit the button together and leaned into our microphones.

"Welcome to After 11 with your local Goddess and my ever-evolving beauty, J." I lowered my voice, trying to bring a sensual mood to the air. "It's been a hell of a summer and it seems you guys have a lot to tell us this year! We are excited to be back for another year of sex, parties, and your burning desires."

"Good to be back, G. Now, should we strip?" She grinned over at me.

"Absolutely! Let's all sit back and strip those innocent layers off. Send us your anonymous questions or call us!" I announced happily.

"All right G, our first point of discussion is a fantastic question everyone needs to hear. Our first question comes from a user by the name of help_im_clueless and he asks:

Dear J and G help me! My girlfriend uses a vibrator AFTER we have sex. What am I doing wrong?" I had to hold back my laugh and took a big breath. Sex education, Callie, hold yourself together.

"J, do you know the percent of women who cannot get off during sex by penetration alone?" I looked over at her and she shrugged.

"Hmmm, is it 50%?" Jade asked raising a brow in confusion.

"Unfortunately, Helpless, 75% of women cannot get off during sex with penetration alone. Sometimes it requires a little bit more effort and a few vibrating toys. And that's only the half of it. Listen. Helpless, you need to stop seeing that vibrator as your competition and start using it to please your partner. Take your mind from high school sex to college sex. We are adults now! We don't have to rush the whole process! Your parents will not walk in unannounced anymore. Take your time."

"Communication is the key, Helpless," Jade added.

"Exactly! Listen, sit down with your partner. If you're serious about this situation. Talk to her about it. See what she wants, see how she likes it. Hell, sit in a chair and watch her play with herself. And then — you'll be ready to incorporate that little vibrator into sex. And then I can guarantee you will have the best sex of your life, with both of you getting to climax together. The point of this is to please your partner, not just yourself!" I smiled, feeling good I hopefully helped someone take their sexual relationship to the next level.

Sex and Radio (Book 2)Completed|| Where stories live. Discover now