"I can't do this. I can't do this," I repeated

"They aren't following us anymore," Jason told Bryan

"Great take the fucking wheel," he said as him and Jason switched places.



They were both gone and I just left them then. I should of been there for them. I shouldn't have left Aiden.

Bryan appeared in front of me grabbing my face in his hands so I would look at him.

"Victoria you need to calm down," he said as gently as possible.

"This is all my fault," I cried as Rachel rubbed my back.

"Don't," he growled "don't put that blame on yourself. None of this is your fault do you understand me."

"They are all dead because of me," I cried even more.

"Rachel can you please go to the front with your boyfriend?" Bryan commanded.

Rachel scowled at him, but obeyed making sure Jason was alright.

"Victoria this is not your fault okay. None of us expected this, but we knew the risk going in. Jackson knew the risk and you can't blame his actions on yourself," Bryan explain to me.

"What even happened?" I asked him.

Bryan shook his head plopping down next to me, "I don't know. We think it was your uncle who orchestrated the attack. He wasn't at the games. He must of none what was going to happen."

"But why? Was he trying to kill me?" I asked.

"If he was trying to kill you I think a sniper would've been a better bet. He had to have a motive. There is no way he would just kill hundreds of people just to kill you too," he said to me.

I leaned my head against the cool metal wall closing my eyes.

"I didn't want anyone to get hurt because of me and now hundreds of people are."

"At least you're safe," he retaliated.

I looked at him like he was crazy, "I would trade my life for theirs any day."

"I know you would and that's why you are going to be great at this."

I didn't say anything. The silence stretched between us.

"You know you were going to lose that fight anyway," Bryan said jokingly.

I smiled a bit, "No I wasn't."

"Yeah you were," he laughed "You easily could of ended the fight, but I guess you decided to throw it."

"I felt like I had too."

"You never have to do anything you don't want too," Bryan said to me.

"You're making me do this."

"You can gladly jump out if you want to."

We both laugh and Bryan spoke again, "you should try to get some rest. It is still going to be a while."

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