Family Dinner

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By the angel, Maryse is here. I don't know if Alec or Izzy or even Jace told her anything about my runes disappearing or anything like that so I don't know what to say to her. And, apparently, Izzy's going on a mission with Jace and Clary so that means it's just me, Alec, and Magnus...and Stark. Hypothetically.

And Maryse is really on edge with the divorce and such so that means we have to avoid any sensitive subjects. Like Robert, the job at the Clave Alec turned down, and the fact that I'm sprouting wings. It was funny watching the expression on Magnus's face when he gave Alec a wine glass to calm him down but Alec chugged that thing.

"My boys!" Maryse greeted with a huge smile on her face. She went over and hugged Magnus then Alec. Her smile got bigger when she saw me. "Samantha!"

Confusion was written all over Stark's face as I hugged Maryse. "For someone who's going through a divorce, she sure looks happy about it," he said.

"I'm far from being a boy, but..." Magnus started, "I appreciate the sentiment."

Maryse pulled away from me and was still smiling. "My apologies. I should respect my elders," she finished with a chuckle before she walked further into Magnus's loft.

"Can I get you a drink?" Alec asked.

"How about a round of Magnus' famous cocktails?"

"Maybe she got started on a few cocktails before she got here," Stark suggested. Then he started running his eyes over her. "She does look good though."

 I gave a small smile as I said through my teeth, "Oh, how I would love to slap you right now."

Stark shrugged. "I might be dead and a figment of your imagination but I'm not blind. And if she were a few years younger..."

"Finish that sentence and I'll choke you."

He smirked. "You know how I like it after all."

I felt a hand on my arm. "Sammy?" Alec called out. I didn't realize that Magnus and Maryse were gone. "You ok?"

I gave him a small nod. "Yeah. It's just...Stark's here."

Alec's eyes widened. "Right now?" Then he started looking around the room.

Stark rolled his eyes as he walked around Alec. "Poor, Allen. Does it really bug you that I'm with your girl 24/7?" He scanned Alec over. "I still don't get what you see in him."

I grabbed Alec's hand. "Hey, you don't have to deal with him. I do. I'll just pretend he's not even with us, ok?"

Alec slowly nodded but the look on his face clearly shows that he's not ok with it. "We're gonna get him out of you, ok?"

"That's what she said," Stark sang.

"Did he really find a way though?" I asked.

"Yeah, he's wiping up the antidote but we're just missing a few ingredients."

Good. That's great. That's the best news I've heard in days. "Ok, but can we not bring up anything about Stark or this whole dragon thing. I don't want your mom worrying about me."

"I won't." It was weird. Even though Alec couldn't see him, he was glaring right at Stark. Like he knew he was right next to me. "If you somehow come back to life, I won't hesitate to kill you. Over and over again until you stay down permanently."

Stark rolled his eyes as he shook his knees. "Oh, you got me shaking," he said sarcastically.

Alec grabbed my hand and pulled me into him. He crashed his lips into mine and held my head. My eyes widened when he tilted his head to deepen the kiss. He shoved his tongue in as I closed my eyes. He tilted my head back a bit as he gripped my waist. Good thing, too, because I felt my knees go weak. Alec never kissed me like this before. Not gonna lie, it was hot.

Shattered》Shadowhunters (Discontinued)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon