Twinning and Fire Messages

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Ring. Ring. Ring. My phone kept ringing for the third time in the last hour. Raphael was just as confused as to why I'm sprouting wings and becoming a dragon. He couldn't help much. He brought me more books after my confession and I've been doing nothing but reading. It's been getting worst. Stark doesn't go away anymore. I'll be walking and he'll walk with me. I'm in the bathroom, he's standing at the other side yapping my ear off.

Stark was reading through one of the books. "Don't know why you're reading, I'm just going to come back. You're going to finish your transition and be my girl."

I glared at him. "I'm not your girl."

He rolled his eyes. "Right, you're Allison's girl."

"His name is Alec, one. Two, I'm going to marry him."

"For now," Stark muttered as he flipped another page.

I groaned as I slammed my book shut and tossed it to the table. "Are you going to tell me how you did it? How you got that potion to work?"

"I could," he said. "But seeing you squirm like this is giving me great pleasure."

"Then can you go away?"

"Again, I could. I just chose not to."

I groaned as I slammed the book and tossed it aside. All this no sleep is getting to me. I could feel my eyes drooping but I can't sleep. I still need to figure out if there's a way to undo this damage. All these books had no information. They all said the same thing. The potion shouldn't work. And there are rumors about an antidote but none of them say what it actually is.

"You know..." Stark started. "All this reading is really boring me. And no sleep isn't really helping you."

"I'm not tired," I said. My body failed me and I let out a yawn.

"Right." I gave Stark a look. He sounded like he knows something I don't with the way he said that. I raised my eyebrow at him, which made him roll his eyes. "Fine. I'll tell you." Stark got comfortable in his chair. "What if your tiredness wasn't just yours you're feeling?"

"What? Are you saying you're tired too?"

"I wish. Then maybe we could both be naked under the sheets. I might be inside your head but that doesn't mean I can't come inside of you."

I glared at him. "Stark, enough with your attempts to get me naked."

He held his hands up in surrender. "Ok, remember when I was alive and we were looking for Jace. Do you remember what I told you? That way you found him."

I slowly nodded. "Yeah. You told me to use my twin bondage because apparently, all twins have that weird twinlepathy thing."

"Right. What I didn't tell you is that one twin can have the same emotion as the other twin?" I rolled my eyes again. Jace and I having the same emotion? Yeah, right. "Think about it. You've been here for two days. Not only can you feel Izzy's worried for you but you can feel whatever Jace is feeling. And you know your brother better than anyone. What does he do when he's worried?"

"He does something to distract himself." I gave Stark an annoyed look. "I don't see the point in all of this. If Jace can feel the same thing I am then he could have done that trick to find me."

"Because your brother isn't smart enough," Stark said. "You had someone who taught you. He doesn't. You two were up when you had your amazing dream about me. Then when you two slept in the same bed...those nightmares disappeared."

"Yes, because it was what we use to do when we were younger. It made us calmer."

"Exactly! When you two are near one another you have that sudden feeling of safeness. Twin powers...yay!"

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