Make Me Sing Like A Bird (gibbs x reader)

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For @supersher3

I've been waiting for so long for someone to request some Gibbs x Reader for ages- thank you xxx

I walk from the Washington, DC, cold and into the NCIS bullpen, smiling as the team grinned as they realised my approach. "Jade!" McGee exclaimed. "You working with us on the case?"

"Of course." I beamed. "You know I'd take any chance to work with my favourite people."

Nick and Ellie smiled at me, while Gibbs just glanced up, a smirk playing on his lips. "No hello from you, Jethro?" I ask playfully. "I'm hurt. Maybe I should go see Julio in the weaponry." I sashay to his desk as he gruffly stands and kisses my forehead. "Stop." He grumbles into my hair before sitting down.

"Y'know sometimes I feel like you're actually a toddler in a pensioner's body." I sass.

"Ouch." I hear Ellie grimace. The team laughs.

"I just hope you can refrain from having a tantrum for this one case. I don't get paid enough to babysit you." I poke. I just love pushing his buttons. It's my favourite hobby.

I watch as the perp holds a gun to Logan's head, Ellie, Nick, McGee, Jethro and I surrounding him with our guns raised

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I watch as the perp holds a gun to Logan's head, Ellie, Nick, McGee, Jethro and I surrounding him with our guns raised. "Put the weapon down!" They all repeat.

I get behind him, the cold metal of my gun touching his ear. He freezes. "Drop the weapon or I'll drop you." I growl. He pushes the teen away and goes to put his gun down but he hesitates, so I kick his hand, making the gun fly out, and cuff him roughly. "I don't take kindly to people like you. You lie and you die, sweetheart. I ain't as kind as those feds."

I escort him out of the building, making sure he gets a few cuts and scrapes on the way out, bumping him off of the wall when they weren't looking. "Jethro." I say, shoving the perp to the gravel in front of me. "NCIS questions this S.O.B first." He bids and I get in my SUV, driving back to HQ.

"You're too rough with him

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"You're too rough with him. You're not interrogating him." Jethro argues.

"I swear to god old man, that's exactly the reason why I should be interrogating him." I snap.

"I don't need or want you getting all dirty cop in here!"

I slap him across the face. "You accuse me of being a dirty cop and I just might show you one, Leroy." I glare. "You know I'm not dirty. The confession was staged. I had to go under. Deep. And you know it! I'm interrogating him and I don't care if you don't want me to."

I push him out of my way roughly before striding into the interrogation room, popping some gum in my mouth.
"It's pretty clean in here, isn't it?" I ask. "I've never liked clean interrogation rooms. There's no fear, isn't there? No grime or blood on the walls or floors, no dents. I mean, last time you and I were in an interrogation room together we left it a right state, didn't we? Some of your teeth were on the floor, one was in the wall, chunks of our hair around the room. I mean, hell, you even tore off my false lashes in there." I laugh. "I've learned from that mistake though. Just mascara now." I flutter my eyes for him to see.

"Good times." He smiles.

"I've been keeping track of your sites. You've been making a mint lately. You've grown, I see. Went from smuggling bush meat to drugs to weapons and now people. You're a well rounded guy." I nod, pretending to be pleased with his work.

"We're being filmed. You're not getting anything out of me." He sneers.

"Do you really think I'm going allow that to continue, darling?" I ask. He shakes his head. "Correct." I smile, getting up and locking the door from the inside, leaving the key in there, but bending it so no one would get in or out. I look at the camera, blowing a little bubble with my gun before covering the lens with it.

"We've got photos, videos, audio and financial receipts. Let's not forget fifteen witness statements. Why don't you make your life a little easier and confess?"

"You can kiss my Haitian ass, Gibbs."

"I'll kick you Haitian ass, Metezier." I gibed. "Where are the kids?"

"I cant remember." He dared.

"Well you better hope to God you remember soon." I growled. "Where is Octavia Johnson?"

"You're not going to find her."

"If you don't start talking they ain't gonna find you." I threaten. "D'you wanna know what really makes me happy? That sound of birds singing in the morning; that little tweedle dee tweedle dee." I say. "Y'know, Samuel Sanchez is in the room next door giving his version of events. Singin' like a bird, he is. Tweedle Dee. Tweedle Dee."

I watched the colour fade from his face. "If you don't talk you're going down for the rape, abduction and murders of thirty eight women, and the rape, abduction, murder and trafficking of over 384 teenagers and kids. And I'll make sure one of my little birdies makes your fellow inmates in General Population aware of your crimes - and you know there's no offender criminals despise more than sex offenders - especially child sex offenders. You talk now, and I'll get a favour of mine paid back, and have you in Protected Population." I lean over the table. "Start singin', boy."

I walk out of the Director's office and into the bullpen, smiling at Jethro as I descend the stairs

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I walk out of the Director's office and into the bullpen, smiling at Jethro as I descend the stairs. "Great job, Jade." McGee compliments.

"Thank you, Tim. Some good friends of mine, Hank and Alvin, taught me everything I know. This is normally an SVU case, so busting out my old skills I used back in the day has been fun. I'll always be a Criminal Intelligence gal, though Vice and Narcotics were fun, too." I smile.

"I've never been more scared to watch you, Sarge." Ellie grins. I laugh.

"Yes. Quite exhilarating, indeed." I hear behind me, turning to see Ducky. I hug him. "I never realised you had that side to you, Jade."

"I'm the sergeant of the Washington DC Police Department's Criminal Intelligence Unit. I have to be scary." I reason. "That, and the fact that I learned from the sergeant with the highest prosecution rates in the last twenty or so years. Hank Voight himself. I may not have the gruff voice, but I've got the glare."

I looked at Nick. "You're being quiet, Torres. Did I scare you?" I joke.

"He called you 'Gibbs'." Nick states.

"Boss?" McGee asks. Ellie waits.

I watch as Jethro walks up to me, softly pulling my chin up and kissing me softly. "We're married."

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