
In a period of 3 hours or less, we were landing. I looked through the window and I saw it all, the beautiful buildings, the sea, and table mountain, It was just amazing. By the time we were completely on the ground my heart skipped a bit, and there I knew it was time. John glanced at me and again smiled at me with a comforting expression. I sniffed and swallowed hard trying to control my nerves.

As we walk outside and getting closer to the Uber ride I wanted to urinate on my pants.

"Thank you" he murmured after a short calmness in the taxi. I turned my head to look at him, his eyes went to my hands as he grabbed my left hand to his chest, to the side of his heart.

I was just pleased by the expression on his face, "thank you for everything. you, being my fiance, meeting my parents and mostly for Loving me" he slowly said, then pulled my hand to his lips as he gave them a warm kiss then rubbed them with his thumb.

It was just cute, I was filled with emotions from his sweet words.

"You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, just in a period of few months you completed my world, princesses, I love you and I can't wait to see you walk in the aisle, I can't wait to be legally yours". All those words were too emotional to me, my eyes begin to sting, I was pleased and I couldn't help but let my tears out.

Tears of joy.

He stretched out his hand towards me, as he brushed them off of my cheeks, then slowly stroked his fingers down to my chin. his eyes too were covered with emotions but as a man he controlled himself.

He changed the topic himself, and we drove off talking about other stuff rather than us.

"We have reached your destiny, sir, ma'am" the Uber driver announced.

That was when we prepared ourselves to go out, again John climbed out first then came to my side to open the door for me, I climbed down and my face warmed up of nervousness.

"Thank you for the ride" John spoke to the driver, As he took off after we had unloaded our bags.

I gazed at the big front yard of the house, it had a  massive garden filled with different kinds of flowers which were already blossomed, afar from the parkway was the massive house up on the heel, it seemed like the whole area was constructed at the top of a cliff, because all the houses were afar from the parkway/street.

(Beautiful and fancy)

"Emily, please just inhale and let out, we are here now, relax Ok" John murmured with the sweetest tone. He held my hand with his free hand while he was holding some of our luggage with the other. I was pulling my wheel-on suitcase as we both went up the walkway headed to the front door of his parent's house.

John kissed my temple and nodded with a smile, as he squeezed my hand that he was holding. While he stretched out the other to press the doorbell button, it echoed from the inside of the house.

I squeezed his hand.

Without further ado The door opened.

"Mr Robertson, ma'am, how are you, please come on in" a lady who seemed like she was the house helper greeted and welcomed us in.

We walked in, hand in hand after responding to the lady's greetings, she was already taking our bags after John introduced us to each other, her name was Matilda.

As we continue walking all I was seeing was a palace. Fancy chandeliers hanging on the ceiling board. And all and all everything was amazing.

There were numerous of John's pictures when he was still young on the wall, as well as William and of course mom and dad.

My brother My Everything.  "till Death Do Us Apart"Where stories live. Discover now