Stirring the Shit Pot

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After school Scott texted Daire and Stiles to meet him at his house, when she got there Stiles was already running into the McCall's home. Daire reached his room and walked in.

" I found something at Derek Hale's," Scott told Stiles.

"Are you kidding? What?" Stile asked excited.

" There's something buried there, I could smell blood," Scott answered Stiles question.

"That's awesome. I mean, that's terrible. Whose blood?" Stiles asked again.

Scott got up from his bed, " I don't know, but when we do, your dad nails Derek for the murder. And then you help me figure out how to play lacrosse without changing because there's no way I'm not playing in that game."

" Ok one problem, what if Derek didn't kill the girl?" Daire asked the two boys. They turn around both giving her looks of doubt.

" What do you mean, Derek totally killed the girl. He's the only one who could have!" Stiles rants at her.

" What if he isn't?" she asked the both of them, " What if he is just as innocent as you two," Daire crossed her arms over her chest.

" I thought you said you were going to help me," Scott said glaring at the Argent girl.

" I did and I am, but I'm also going to help others, and right now Derek also falls into that category. You don't have to like it and you don't have to believe me, but whoever killed that girl is not Derek. But that doesn't mean I won't help you. So let's go and follow whatever plan you have cooked up to prove that Derek is the murderer" she told them ready to go head first into this plan that will definitely stir the shit pot.

Daire was right, they were definitely stirring the shit pot. She and Stiles were currently sitting in the hospital waiting for Scott who is in the morgue sniffing dead bodies to find a blood match.

" Oh my god," Stiles muttered under his breath. " Hey, Lydia. You probably don't remember me, um, I sit behind you in biology."

Daire looked over and took out her headphones to see Stiles who is talking to a very uninterested Lydia.

" Uh, anyway, I always thought that we just had this kind of connection. You know, unspoken of course. Maybe it'd be kind of cool to get to know each other a little bit better."

" Hold on. Give me a second, Yeah, I didn't get any of what you just said. Is it worth repeating?" Lydia asked Stiles who is standing there dumbstruck; he just bared his heart to her only to have her shoot him down.

"No sorry" Stiles replied nervously before sitting next to Daire.

She patted his arm, " Better luck next time tiger," Daire winked and went back to listening to her Spotify on her phone.

" Holy God!" Stiles said startled as Scott rips a pamphlet on the menstrual cycle out of his hands.

" The scent was the same," Scott told them.

" You sure?" Stiles asked getting up from his chair.

" Yes," Scott replied.

Stiles sighed, " So he did bury the other half of the body on his property,"

"Which means we have proof he killed the girl." Scott continued.

" Ok I know that I said he didn't do it, and I still think he's innocent but that's just creepy," Daire told the boys stuffing her phone into her bag

" I say we use it," Stiles said walking away.

" How?" Scott asked as they follow him.

" Tell me something first. Are you doing this because you want to stop Derek or because you want to play in the game and he said you couldn't?" Stiles asked Scott

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