Chapter 13: Ravishing

Start from the beginning

"I'll talk to him tonight. I'll ask him out tonight." Jeongguk says a little too confidently and Seokjin smirks.

"Let me know the day, I'll take Hansol to my house, I've been planning to take him home for a night anyways." Seokjin says and Jeongguk was planning to take Hansol too but it's good if their first date is just the two of them.

"Will Taehyung be okay with that?" Jeongguk asks and Seokjin nods.

"He has changed alot." Seokjin says and Jeongguk agrees on that completely.

"I know you'll do great at asking him out but right now, get up and set the table." Seokjin says and Jeongguk rolls his eyes but feels oddly excited about the night to come.

Hoseok brings gifts for Taehyung and Hansol and his time, he picks Hansol in his arms, Taehyung not minding at all because he doesn't anymore, he trusts everyone present here.

The lunch has gone really good. There was no hesitation or awkwardness this time, Taehyung was not talking much but he wasn't quiet either, talking about Hansol mostly. He and Hoseok go along well.

After lunch, they're gathered upstairs and Seokjin sits next to Taehyung, the omega doesn't sit on the floor because Jeongguk didn't want him to, no one wanted that but only Jeongguk voiced it out.

"Will it be okay if I take Hansol to my house for a night?" Seokjin asks and Taehyung is a little taken aback at the question because he wasn't really expecting it.

"I mean, me and Joonie were talking about kids the other day and it just crossed my mind that how will it be to have a baby with is for a night---Hansol was all I could think of." Seokjin says and it's true, he wanted to spend a night with Hansol, in his house---Jeongguk's date became the reason he was able to talk to Taehyung.

"Yeah, you can take spend time with him as much as you want but---just---".

"I'll take care of him Tae, don't worry." Seokjin smiles.

"Yeah, I know---I know you will. It's just, I'm not used to sleep without Hansol next to me---". Taehyung utters and Seokjin understands his overprotective nature regarding Hansol.

"And last night, he slept with Jeongguk---embraced by his protective arms and---". Taehyung says and Seokjin looks at him in surprise.

"Hansol slept with Jeongguk?" Seokjin asks and Taehyung smiles cheekily, nods.

"That's really good. I'm really happy to hear that." Seokjin says, squeezes Taehyung's hand gently and the conversation holds much more meaningful---Seokjin doesn't need Taehyung's words to know how much he respects the alpha.

"And Taehyung---you should have little time for yourself too." Seokjin says and the younger omega frowns a bit.

"I mean---think about yourself too, what you want to do in your life, how you want to enjoy it---". Seokjin explains and Taehyung bites his lower lip, he never really thought about his own self other than Hansol and worrying for his pup's life.

"I never---I never really thought of it." Taehyung confesses.

"Then do it now and---give him a chance." Seokjin utters, tilts his head towards a certain direction and Taehyung follows, his eyes falling on Jeongguk who's discussing something with Yoongi and Hoseok, smiling with them. Taehyung smiles a little as well.

"You deserve all the love on the world Tae, you and your pup. And I promise, Jeongguk will love you unconditionally." Seokjin whispers and Taehyung almost tears up, looks at Seokjin with sad yet hopeful eyes.

"The way he talks about you, looks at you and cares for you---I know he'll love you forever." The older omega says and Taehyung blinks away the tears.

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