chapter 2:

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Don't own anything

Raven had stolen the sentinel chopper with a girl named lilith on route to the cave called erewhon homesteader's secret haven.
Author pov:

Lilith Asami looks around the forests of aurora marveled its beauty she has headphones to communicate the ghost.

Raven: " who are you really a weapon you have unmaterializes in thin air "

Lilith: " outer alchemic "

Raven: " magic? "

* Lilith nodded *

Raven: " where here just be friendly to these people "

(Theme Starts playing)

The chopper landed the side the cliff the disembarked they walked in the entry cave two people guarding the entrance given odd looks at the girl.

Lilith follows him till a scene where she jaw drops, inside the cave is like a no words to described it

Lilith follows him till a scene where she jaw drops, inside the cave is like a no words to described it

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" its beautiful " she thought she follows him down kid ran past her & looks back at her & smiled she gave him a wave, adults were looking at her in curiosity where she come from

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" its beautiful " she thought she follows him down kid ran past her & looks back at her & smiled she gave him a wave, adults were looking at her in curiosity where she come from.

Mad schulz:

Raven you seen nomad?

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Raven you seen nomad?

Raven: no but i did found a fighter here

Mad: fighter she's 17 where did you find her?

She scoffed at his response & materializes her large sniper rifle in thin air

(Author note: More like a anti tank rifle to me)

Everyone around gasped & freaked out including the ceo of skell jace skell

Everyone around gasped & freaked out including the ceo of skell jace skell

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Was fascinated he approached her.

Jace: hi there i'm jace skell how did you do that?

Lilith: outer alchemy i'm from this world my names lilith asami

Theme ends


They gathered around to hear her story apparently she's a 17 year old teacher around raven's age & member of trinity seven they were undergoing a mission, her enemies somehow made a portal & accidently send her here.

She can transmute materials person who's a seller of guns & other gear came back with a f2000 assault rifle

She gave it to her wanted to show us she did her thing & made it to her own image based on knowledge they clapped at her she formed a blush on her face.

Mad: i'm guessing your friends will be looking for you

Lilith: i hope i wanted to help

Raven: you read my mind

This is just how she will meet them


trinity seven: breakpoint (lilith x oc)  CompletedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora