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"How could you do that to me?!" you yell at the man who broke your heart. "She was there for me when you weren't," he responds without any emotion in his voice, just heartless like you've always known him. You were speechless, how could this man, the one you fell in love with all those years ago could do this to you?

"I loved you, I have given you everything I could and you just expect that I would stop the world and tell everyone that you are back from work?! We need to stop!" you say full of rage. "Well I tried to be the best girlfriend ever but I guess that I didn't do a good job," you gaze at the man with tears In your eyes, these ones burning and rolling down endlessly all upon your face. "It's over Taehyung, keep the house I don't need it anyways, I will find a new place to live," you start to walk away with your bag in hand but you stop at the doorframe. "Oh and have fun with your little side chick, you're going to need it trust me," you close the door behind you. You pull out your phone and look for the contact of your best friend, in order to make a call.

"Jimin I need you to come to pick me up," you try not to cry. "Asha? What happened?!" You take a few seconds to think about the recent events, then you just let it out. "Jimin he cheated on me with Lisa..." that's all you had to say to him. "I'm on my way" then the line went dead.

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