👑Dangerous contact😾

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A calm breeze blew through out the Whispering woods. Flower pedals, leaves, dancing playfully along the ground.

"Ughh..-!" A groan and slight coughing echoed slightly. Catra's eyes shot open as she winced. Her eyes darting around her surroundings.

"Ah! Alright! Relax. I'm still sitting on the branch. I'm alone. I'm alone."

Blinking. Her eyes closed. Her head tilted down slightly.

Alone. She was always alone so it felt.

Catra was always head strong and stubborn but this time. How much she indured. How wounded she was.

A change was needed.

Catra thought. Maybe for a moment. She could get a redeemer. Just a chance.

The feline slowly climbed down the tree. She landed on her knees. Whincing. Her ears pinned back. The feline struggled for a moment getting to her feet.

"Come on!" She hollered. Birds scattering from trees, above.

Her claws dug into the trunk of the tree she desperately leaned against.

"You won't fail. You won't get another chance if you-!"


Those ocean blue eyes met blue and yellow.

A pin could be heard if dropped.

The two ex-friends stared at each other for what seemed like hours.

Catra pushed herself off from the tree, slowly making her way towards Adora. A wounded smile playing across her lips.

"Adora, am I glad to see y-!"


It was like a skiff crashed into her, full force. Adora tackled her to the cold forest ground. Catra quickly dodged her head to the right as her ex-friend's fist collided to dirt. The feline pushed Adora off of her. Staggering to her feet, Catra swiftly spun around and stood face to face with her.

Those eyes. Fiery rage for the feline.

Catra could feel her heart leaping in her chest. She swallowed dryly. Lips parting, the feline spoke softly.

"Wait Adora."

The blonde's eyes slowly shifted away from her. She clicked her tongue against her teeth.

"Why wait? Why hear what you have to say! Did it matter all those times I tried to speak to you! To take you with me!" Adora snarled. Her fists clenched. Catra breathed a heavy sigh and smirked, weakly.

"No. You shouldn't even allow me to continue honestly." The hybrid's voice was like a whisper. Her eyes held their gaze with those blue eyes.

Catra felt her skin crawl. She never dreamed of this. Coming face to face with Adora again. The way they parted, it wasn't the best nor the healthiest.

The feline placed her hand against your left shoulder. She winced. The warrior took notice.

"You're hurt." She explained.

Catra chuckled.

"You don't say" she remarked.

The princess huffed, crossing her arms. She sneered, looking away. Why was Catra here? Adora wondered. Her mind was racing with countless possibilities.

Hearing the other shift behind her, the blonde turned on her heels, shocked to see the feline slowly sit down onto the ground below.

Catra let out a shallow sigh. Her ears pinning back.

"I'm tired, Adora. Very tired" she explained. Her voice, rapsy and drained.

Catra gripped her fists and brought her knees to her chest. She closed her eyes. Her lips parting.

It was about to come out.

That sentence that would shock Adora to the core.

That same sentence that drives Catra to the idea of weakness.

"I wish to join your fool's errand." The feline spoke through, gritted fangs.

The warrior's heart could explode.


"Ugh did I studder, Adora? I want to join the rebellion." Catra hissed. She looked up towards her ex friend.

The feline stumbled to her feet before seeing Adora quickly grab ahold of her and swing her arm across her shoulders. The blonde held Catra up by her belt.

The feline blinked.

"I don't know why nor do I want to know. But right now, you need attention to those wounds." Adora explained. Not making eye contact with Catra.

The hybrid understood.

Seeing her was venom to Adora. Hearing her was poison. Catra wouldn't be surprised.

But god! Why does it hurt so bad?


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