Chapter 1

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Danny's POV

"Oh, these times are hard. Yeah they're making us crazy, don't give up on me baby." The words flew from my mouth as I sang, surveying the faces in the crowd. Many were pretty, wearing tight tops as if to please us specifically. I looked over at Mark who was too looking into the faces of the crowd. He did it with a smile, playing the tune on guitar while singing in his under-appreciated voice. As I turned my focus back to the crowd, one girl caught my attention from the second row. Her eyes were reflecting the stage lights as she sang back the lyrics, waving her hands in the air. Her hair was golden and flowing lightly to her shoulders. The song soon enough finished. The whole crowd cheered, but something about her intrigued me. Perhaps it was the strain in her smile or the passive nature of her as she allowed people to push her around in the crowd. Me and the lads weaved our way off of the stage, readying ourselves for the encore.

As soon as we were backstage, I turned to Mark. "Second row. Blonde hair."

He evidently searched his mind for the reminiscence of her face. He nodded slowly as he recalled her image. "Yes." He smiled wickedly at me.

I saw Glen eyeing us up. "Not again..." He muttered under his breath.

"Relax, Glen." I ruffled his hair with my hand as I bounded over to the crew members that were going to escort me ready for the encore. "You just play your drums!" I yelled over my shoulder at him.

* * * * *

After the show, all three of us went out to meet fans. Well, I say fans collectively, when really I only wanted to meet one fan; the blonde girl from the second row. I smiled for each individual photo and made small chat. They all seemed happy enough with the innocent smile I tried to place upon my face. It's funny how easy it is to fool your fanbase, especially when you have a dark desire to do not very nice things to nice people...

She was in front of me. Her eyes were glistening as she beamed at me. Her hair was messed up, her shirt tight to her chest and low necked, showing off cleavage. I would be lying if I said that I didn't enjoy the way girls present themselves to meet me. She swooned as I spoke to her, almost purring out the words. I had the ultimate weapons: fame, an Irish accent and a way with women. As she posed for the picture, I almost couldn't contain the dark pleasure I felt. As she moved to walk away, I took her wrist in my hand, connecting the tip of my sharpie to her skin and wrote down my mobile number. She gazed at the ink with both confusion and disbelief.

"Call me in about an hour." I purred. "Be alone."

She nodded as if in a daze and moved off to stand with her friends. I watched her slip on a jacket so that the numbers drawn onto her arm were not visible. She turned back around to look at me, to which I winked subtly. The corners of her mouth worked their way up as she smiled back at me.

I looked away from her to see the next fan in front of me, readying themselves for a photo, but I didn't concentrate.

This is going to be a fun night.

* * * * *

Sure enough, she did call an hour later. I wasn't surprised. The past couple of girls had too, unaware of what they were getting themselves into. Mark watched me eagerly as I answered the phone. Glen walked away.

"Hello, love."

"Hi." She sounded breathless.

"We should meet up."

"Yes." She answered immediately.

I chuckled slightly. "You're eager."

"Who wouldn't be?"

"I know a place we can go."


"It's a secret. Meet me back here." I hung up before she could ask further questions. Immediately, I removed the call from my call log. I nodded at Mark as I shrugged on my jacket. Glen shot me a filthy look as I opened the door. I couldn't contain the wicked smile. I made my way outside, straightening my jacket.

* * * * *

She was there quicker than expected. She had flatten her hair a little, but the odd bit stuck up. She was beaming.

"It's actually you!" She squealed.

"Sh." I whispered. "Don't draw attention or others may know."

She nodded in agreement. "Where shall we go?" She had tried to lower her voice, but it so obviously wasn't working.

"This way." Gently, I placed my hand on her waist. She jumped first from the shock, then melted against me. That's the great thing with fans: they don't ever take your kind gestures to be a warning label; only to be one step closer to their fantasies. "What's your name?" As we walked along the lane, less and less people plagued the street.

"Circe." She giggled a little. "And you're Danny O'Donoghue." She giggled again.

We turned a corner and it was empty, the moonlight shining down. I peered down the road, seeing nothing much down there. "I'm sure there's a shortcut just down here." I contained the horrid pleasure I was getting from this. I took her further down the street, and when I was sure no-one was looking, I took her down the alleyway.

"It's a dead end." She said, her voice still perky.

"I know." I removed my hand from her waist and slid it into the inside of my jacket. I pulled out my iPhone, texting Mark briefly.

"So we were supposed to come here?"Her voice was still enthusiastic. Typical blonde. I wonder if she's blonde on the inside?

"You could say that." I pulled out the cool metal object from a different pocket inside of my jacket, moving it quickly and efficiently.

She screamed as the pain erupted from her chest. Quickly, I threw my hand over her mouth so her screams were muffled. She collapsed against me as I pulled the weapon back out, then she attempted screaming as I sliced the blade across her throat. She began choking on her own blood as I pulled my hand away. Soon enough, her eyes turned glassy and the monster inside of me purred at the sight of her lying in her own blood. Taking the knife in my hand, I wiped the blood onto her jacket. As soon as the surface reflected the moonlight without a smear, I returned it to my pocket, picking up my phone that I had dropped onto the floor. Without much of a hurry, I walked away as Circe remained motionless on the floor, pooled in her blood.

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