Muramatsu SFW alphabet

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Wattpad glitched and the chapters aren't in the right order anymore, so sorry about that! Thank you for being patient! Also I think I might make scenarios a thing in this book to. On to the thing!

Also I changed it from the norm a bit, because I felt some where awkward to write!

A-Affection (How do they show it? When do the show it?)

He doesn't play into PDA alot, but will most definitely show you off to his friends, and make fun of 1-A for not being able to settle down with someone. Just some E class is also better at.

B-Best friends (How does their best friend treat you?)

(I'm including his whole group)
Itona calls you lucky because you get free food often, Terasaka calls you both stupid idiots, Yoshida is jealous that Takuya got someone before him, and Kiara wonders why she can make Everyone jump in fear exept for you.

C-Cuddles (How and how often?)

At least twice a week.

D-Domestic (How well do the cook/clean?)

Let's just say he's a house wife.

E-Expression (How do they express feelings to their s/o?)

Probably mostly in food. And gifts. And a failed pick-up line occasionally.

F-Failure (How do the help their s/o cope with their fails?) (I spelled failure wrong way to many times.)

Takuya saw you failed a quiz. He walked up to you awkwardly patted your head twice, and then in a very gentle tone says

"Pop Tart?" While holding out a pop tart to you.

G-Goods (What kind of goodies do they get their s/o?)

Food. Lots, and lots of food. And merch of your favorite shows/games.

H-Happiness (Happiest moment with s/o?)

Whenever you kiss him.

I-I love yous' (How often, first one, how it makes the feel when said to or back to them?)

Once a day at least. The first one he accidentally said right before your first date, but was ecstatic when you said 'I love you too!' at the end of the date.

J-Jealous (How jealous can they get before they act? How often?)

He'll just pick you up and walk away and not so subtlely yelling 'NOT TODAY SATAN!'.

K-Kisses (What are they like, how often?)

You have to kiss him first Evey time, after the 'incident'. The kisses are usually playful, but once in a blue moon are romantic.

L-Laughing (Can they crack a joke?)

He'll yell out a vine or meme but unless he's cooking that's all you can expect.

M-Mornings (What are they like in the mornings?)

He refuses to get out of bed. It takes a half hour just to get him out of it, why else do you think his hair is always so messy.

N-Nights (In the nights?)

He'll poke your cheek until you cuddle with him.

O-Open (PDA?)

Only to show you off, and maybe to keep people like Meahara away.

P-Patience (How patient are they?)

This boi is a patient KING. Seriously, do you see how much bull shit he deals with Terasaka?

Q- Quotes (Random things you remember them saying.)

"I only cook to prove to people I'm a better chef than Rin Okumera." (You may or may not have showed him Blue Exorcist.

R-Restraint (How much restraint do the have towards certain people? Ex. Exes, Friends, Playboys, so on and so forth.)

He punches people who flirts with you, but treats your friends with respect.

S-Speaking (Do they communicate with their s/o?)

Kinda? Terasaka ruined that for you.

T-Teasing (How much do they tease their s/o?)

Not at all, he knows he's not smart and hardly athletic. He thinks you're only with him because he can cook and clean.

U-Understanding (Do they remember things about their s/o?)

He does, but he can't say it. Like you could ask him what's your favorite color and he'd respond with uhhhhhhh. Nobody quite knows why. Maybe he forgets it the moment it's asked of him.

V-Vents (Do they vent to their s/o? How do they deal with their s/o venting to them?

Yes. Yes. And yes. This boi will listen to anything you say, but hardly ever rants to you.

W-Wild Card (Random headcannon.)

His group is the meme group of the school.

X-X-Ray (Are they strong? Built?)

Stronger than you.

Y- Yelling (Do they ever yell at their s/o?)

Only if it's a vine or meme, or just to shout happiness into you.

Z-Zzz (Sleeping habits.)

He's abnormally still. Like, dude wtf.

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