Chapter Nine

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I didn’t know what to do, or what to say, so I simply pressed my face into Harry’s back while I held my breath. It was the best and fastest solution I could come up with since their scents hadn’t quite reached me yet.

“Justin, get them away from here,” Harry called out, and stood protectively in front of me. He didn’t want me to hurt any of them, or have them hurt me, and that made me love him even more to see this side of him. He didn’t want me to do something I would regret.

“What’s going on?” My brother asked before he quickly dashed over to us, and I continued to hide my face. I didn’t want him to see me like this.

“Now isn’t a good time for this, Justin. I need to get her inside,” Harry said, sternly.

I could practically feel Justin’s irritation rolling off of him in waves. “What’s wrong with her? Did something happen while I was away?”

“I’ll explain later, you just need to get the witches away, and I’ll get her into the house,” Harry responded.

“No, let me fucking see my sister!” Justin practically screamed, and quickly threw Harry away from my body leaving me bare and open to my brother. Our eyes met, and he stiffened, probably completely confused as to why my eye color was suddenly different, and that I didn’t have a heartbeat. “What the fuck?”

Instead of speaking, I simply inhaled slightly and I could feel my irises fade to red, and my fangs lengthen down to my bottom lip. My brother stared at me as if he didn’t know who I was, and that scared me a little.

“Layla? You’re…you’re a vampire now?” His eyes turned red, and turned to look at Harry. “Why the fuck did you let this happen, Harry?”

“How do you know that I didn’t want this?” I asked him, lowly. I didn’t like that he was blaming all of this on Harry. He didn’t deserve that blame, it wasn’t his fault. There was no way that he could’ve predicted that his cunt of a creator was still alive and seeking revenge.

Justin snorted in amusement and rolled his eyes. “Because you told me about ten times while we were in that damn cabin that you didn’t want to ever become a vampire, or as you liked to call it, an artificial bitch.”

I winced slightly, and crossed my arms. “This isn’t Harry’s fault, so don’t take it out on him. I’m fine,” I said, trying to be as stern as Harry was moment’s ago.

“How are you fine? Your eye color isn’t even normal when it’s not red! Something’s going on, and I want to know what the fuck is happening. Right. Now,” My brother said through his teeth.

“I’ll explain it to you,” Harry said, coming to stand beside me again. “But Layla gets to go in the house after you get Bridget, Emma, and Lauren out of the area. She’s a newly changed vampire, Justin, and they’re three creatures with blood running through their veins.”

Justin huffed slightly, and glared at him. “Fine. But you better not leave anything out about what happened or I will snap your neck. You know that I don’t take bad news regarding my little sister lightly,” He said thickly, and dashed over to the girls before taking them in the opposite direction of me.

Harry turned toward me, and grabbed my hands. “Go wait in the house, and I’ll explain this to him,” He told me, softly.

I frowned. “He’s my brother, Harry. I should be the one to tell him.”

He shook his head. “I want you to rest after that little training session you had. I know you’re exhausted.”

“I’m fine,” I responded, and shook my head at him.

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