2.7 // four cities,two planes,the same day

Start from the beginning

Our lips molded together smoothly, just as we had done before. I held her hands and placed them on my neck, and after that, I let them go. Placing my own hands one her waist, I was able to pull her closer and closer to me. I don't know why I was so in love with her, but now, she had all of my heart. And I still didn't know if I had all of hers.

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Katie's POV-

We had just said goodbye to the guys for a little while. Of course, this wasn't a heavy duty goodbye, where tears spilled and 'I miss you's were thrown across, yet a more subtle 'See ya later'.

It was hard to say goodbye to Ashton, even though we would only be apart for only a few hours. But the only reason why it was so awkward for me, was because I knew that I was in love with Ashton, and I didn't know how to act. This 'in love' thing never happened to me before. Never.

Do you understand where I'm going with this? I'm just awkwardly lost in this whole situation. Once you love someone, is there a certain schedule you have to follow? Like after two years you shall get married and after that have a baby? Is there like a pledge I have to say- a contract to sign? How often do you have to take your relevant other for a walk? Do they have any preferences in toys (in the non-kinky way)?

Now, we were on our way to Las Vegas. We were seated on the plane and we had bern sitting on our asses for a while now. Joey was behind me, sitting with Jason. Matt and I were sat beside each other(me on the window seat) as we watched Ice Age (one of Matt's favorite movies). Previously, we had calculated that as soon ad this movie was over, we would only have around fifteen minutes left in the flight, and the film was almost done.

Suddenly, Matt pressed the space bar and I had to be taken out of my comfortable daze to find out who was in the center of this disruption. I pushed the warm, crimson blanket off of me and looked up, only to see a flustered-looking Joey. "Can I talk to Katie for a sec?"

"Yeah, man." Matt nodded, without even acknowledging that I had my own mind and that I could make rational decisions. Even though I was about to stand up for myself, I just decided to go over Matt and step out into the plane isle, where Joey was standing.

Grasping my hand, he pulled me away from first class, and then past business, and past the restrooms. Lastly, we ended up in the back side of the plane, where they store the food and drinks. The lights were dim on the plane, and we barely had any light to see each other, even though it was only three in the afternoon.

Joey let go of my hand and turned around for a second, his back facing me. As soon as he swished around, I saw the bags under his eyes and the redness around the usually bright green eyes. He took a deep breath as he looked at all of my features, taking me all in. Somehow, I knew what was coming. "Katie, I haven't slept in two days-48 hours, and I'm freaking the fuck out."

"Why? Are you okay?" I furrowed my eyebrows and crossed one arm over the other, right across my chest. Joey shook his head and swallowed hard, his adam's apple bobbing up and down. He ran his long fingers through his hair as he breathed unevenly.

"No, I'm actually not, and it's all because of you." His eyes were watery, and I didn't know what the hell to do. I just sort of stood there, waiting for him to continue. But he didn't. Instead, he just looked up and let out a rugged breath. So instead, I took matters into my own hands.

"What did I do?" I scoffed, not really understanding how this is my fault. Joey chuckled, as if it was the only thing to keep him from crying.

"Katie, ever since we broke up, I've wanted to get back together. There wasn't one fucking moment when I didn't want to have you in my arms. And when I found you on that bathroom floor, all hurt and in pain, I broke. Every single wall I had built up, came crumbling down, as if they had never been there.

"And I have to see you with Ashton and I have to pretend like it's all alright, but it's not. Ashton is not the guy for you. I am. But you can't see that. Honestly, it really fucking bothers me, baby, because I was the one that saved you back when I met you and two days ago.

"And even though I'm the one that helped you pull through, you run into Ashton's arms like he was the one who fucking sat on the white-tiled floor with you as you cried and bandaged your wrist, and then, even after all that, stayed up for 48 hours thinking of ways to make you feel better. But it wasn't him. It was me. But you can't get that through your head.

"So, from my perspective, you can still come to your senses. You can come with me, where you belong. Or you can go with Ashton. It's your choice, and it looks like you have a decision to make."

A few tears had slipped away from his eyes. My eyes were on the verge of tears as well. The air hostess had come in since she had heard Joey's cries. The lady tried to kick us out, which Joey was already out and a few feet away from me.

All of the sudden, he turned around and said from at least five feet away from where I stood dumbfounded. Loudly, he spoke, as he placed both of this hands on the top of the seats closest to him. Then, he said something that made my heart stop. "Just if it wasn't clear, my choice is you. It always has been."

Joey walked back to his seat while I stood blown away, a hand covering my mouth. Soon enough, tears were free falling from my eyes and I had to step back onto one of the flimsy walls of the airplane. Slowly, I slid down, muffling my sobs into my hands.

The air hostess was kind enough to kneel beside me and hug me and tell me it was going to be alright. But it wasn't her words of encouragement that drove me to liking her. It's the fact that she gave me a small bottle of vodka and patted my back. Then she left. And that's when anxiety began to rise and reality set in.

Joey was asking me to decide between the love of my life, or the best band I could have ever put together.

I was so fucking screwed.







ok so katies band and 5sos will reunite in aussie

and joeys in love with katie

thats it



as soon as this story hits 250 votes and 300 comments, i will be posting ANOTHER FF

BUT i have many ideas in mind so on the next chapter, i will give you guys the options and i want u to vote


5 votes and 10 comments cause ily

ok thats it byee ily have a great weekend

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