Chapter 32: Moves

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Moments before the rift breached the time barriers between the two Mirinoi's, Kai and Maya took an afternoon walk together through the forests lining Terra Venture, at the request of Kai. His asking caught Maya off guard at first, but she happily accepted anyway.

As they walked through the tall trees and colorful leaves, the sun broke through the clouds to warmly welcome them. Maya put on a wide smile; even now, still enraptured by the majesty of her home. "What a beautiful day for a walk."

"Yes. It's a beautiful day," Kai replied in a stiffer fashion than his normal brand of stiffness.

Maya easily sensed Kai's uneasiness. She'd been feeling it for quite a while now. "Kai... did I do something wrong?"

Kai looked back at her, caught off guard by the comment. "What? No, of course not."

"Even now, I'm still getting used to the way humans act. But I can tell something's been bothering you. Something about me."

Kai stopped his walking and nodded. "I'm sorry about that. It's just... hard."

"What is?"

Kai took a deep breath before continuing, "Maya, I really—"

Suddenly, a strange sound rang out from somewhere in the woods. Maya quickly cupped her ear with her hand to listen in. "You heard that too, right?"

"Where's it coming from?"

Maya's head started to turn before she got a lock on the sound. She pointed further down the path. "Over there."

"Right. Let's check it out."

Maya raced ahead with Kai quickly following until the pair approached an ever-growing dark rift tearing through the air and spitting out tiny rocks, leaves, and tree branches.

"What is it?" asked Maya.

"It looks kind of like a time portal," replied Kai.

Maya smiled excitedly. "Kendrix! She must be coming home!"

An enforcer then spat out of the rift and took a violent tumble onto the ground. He picked himself up while grunting and gripping tightly to his shoulder.

Maya immediately raced over to the man to help him to his feet.

"Wha... where am I?" asked the groggy enforcer.

Kai came in to check on him as well. "You're on Mirinoi."

"Are you alright?" asked Maya.

"Mirinoi...?" The man looked every which way. "Where's the rest of my men? And the Queen? And the Rangers?"

"Try to calm down," Kai said. "You must have been transported here from the future if you know about the Queen. Although, you don't seem here by choice."

The enforcer tried to walk forward, but his right leg writhed in pain as well. "GAH! My leg!"

Maya carried him by his side to help take the pressure off of his injury. "Don't worry, we'll get you looked at. We've still got some good doctors in this time, too."

"I'll call in to let them know to expect a patient," Kai added. "I'll contact the others, too. Just in case."

The pair continued towards Terra Venture while the growing rift continued to spit out larger rocks, larger branches, and entire trees. Moments later, the rift spit out the remainder of Queen Diane's enforcers, Diane herself, as well as Alex and the Rangers before collapsing onto itself and vanishing from sight.

Jason started to come to and lift himself from the ground as he took in the vibrant forests surrounding him. "Wait a second... this doesn't really look that different. Guys, get up! I think we're still on Mirinoi!"

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