1) Mysterious Girl

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"... And all eyes will surely be on Manchester United's new striker Alexis Parker-Rose. After over a year away from football the twenty-four year old is now back in the FAWSL. Her former Liverpool teammate and United's manager Casey Stoney was apparently very eager to have her join the newly promoted side."

"Yes and Stoney speaks very highly of her new signing. Despite any troubles that Parker-Rose has had in the past, Stoney says that she has complete faith in her and knows she will fit in well with her team."

The voices continued on in the background as the Manchester City squad got ready for their big game. There was a nervous air in the changing rooms but the girls were quite giddy as they moved about quickly. Excited for what was to come.

Janine was sat watching the report on her phone, playing it loudly so that everyone could hear. A chuckle came from next to her and she tilted her head to see KB looking over her shoulder at the screen.

"Hey Caz, look who's back." The goalkeeper turned to Caroline, who was on her other side and gently smacked her on the arm.

Caroline finished up lacing her boots and sat up to take a look at the phone. "Good." The Scot said firmly as she nodded. "It's about time someone gave her a break."

"Seriously?" Steph asked as she rolled her eyes. "You actually feel bad for her?"

"She's been through a lot of shit Steph." Caroline replied.

It looked like Steph was going to say something else, but at Caroline's stern look she just closed her mouth.

"I like her." Aoife piped up. "I've been on England youth camps with her. She's nice."

"How many people did she sleep with on that squad?" Demi asked and she and Steph laughed.

"Hey that rumour is not true." Aoife said as she turned red.

"Looks like you've been caught out kid." Jill said as she sat next to the younger girl.

"No! We didn't..."

"I'm sorry." Janine cut in before Aoife could turn any redder. "What is going on?"

"Yeah you wouldn't know the infamous Alexis Parker-Rose would you?" KB said. "She's an amazing footballer. But a bit of a little shit really."

Caroline rolled her eyes. "Alexis used to play with me and Gemma at Liverpool. And was a nice girl, not a little shit. Right Gem?" Caroline turned to the defender.

"Nah she was a little shit." Gemma replied with a shrug.

Caroline threw her hands up. "Anyway, she is my friend and I'm glad she's back." She stood up. "Come on. We've got a match to win." She quickly left the room.

As soon as she left, Demi turned back to the girls and narrowed her eyes. "Now she has slept with her."

Janine looked around the room with a confused look on her face.

It was Steph that took pity on her. "Rumour is that Alexis has slept with at least half of the league. She's a bit of a player and a flirt. Also she's arrogant, cocky and a troublemaker." Then she turned to face Ellie, Georgia, Keira and Lauren who were listening close by. "You four be careful around her. She's a bad influence." Next she turned to Aoife. "And you be careful."

"Whatever you say Skip." Aoife sighed.

Steph left the room now. But then Ellen came into the changing rooms. "Hey Nick says shake a leg. There's like thirty thousand people out there and their waiting for you guys to go and kill it."

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