A pro hero, that can control her many quirks, that saves lives from villains. One that's far from being a villain herself, resents evil, and proves herself in being able to make peace. Proves herself to those who see her as a villain, proves that she can and will one of the greatest heroes. 

One whose past mistakes will be forgiven, and that will no longer exist in your life to pull you down. Mistakes that won't be repeated as long as you live, and you swear by that. You will be the greatest, you will be the one who people look to for safety, and you will be the one to bring down the evilest, just as All Might as done, and people will feel safe in this dangerous world.

_ _ _ _ _

The day passed, and the next as well. Filled with hours of practicing and becoming better as if it was your first nature. Until finally you had to go back to school. The rainy day greeted you as you left your home and went to school. Thankfully all your injuries were mostly healed, just some pain here and there, nothing you couldn't take, it was hardly noticeable.

Of course, after the festival, many people recognized you and congratulated you, etc. It made you feel a lot better about yourself, especially because of what happened afterward. People believe in you, and the encouragement was all you needed after the two, lonely days off.

You got to class, listening to all the conversation of things happening to your classmates, similar to what you experienced as well. You stayed silent and to yourself though, a lot was on your mind from the festival. Again, worries about your dumb quirks and all that.

The door slid open and everyone quickly seated themselves. "Morning." Mr. Aizawa said, and everyone repeated the greeting. He didn't have his bandages anymore, as Tsu pointed out.

"The old lady went a little overboard in her treatment. Anyway. We have a big class today on Hero Informatics," he paused, letting worry set into the students. "You need codenames. Time to pick your hero identities." Most of the class exploded into excitement, all worries disappearing.

You sat there quietly, as Aizawa got them to quiet down. "This is related to the pro hero draft picks that I mentioned the last time we were in class together. Normally, students don't have to worry about the draft yet. Not until their second or third year actually, but your class is different,"

"In fact, by extending offers to first-years like you, pros are essentially investing in your potential. Any offers can be rescinded if their interest in you dies down before graduation, though." He ended, Mineta complained as usual, and Hagakure said something about proving ourselves.

"Correct. Now. Here are the totals for those of you who got offers." Mr. Aizawa said, turning to turn on a projection. 

L/n: 5,064

Todoroki: 4,123 

Bakugou: 3,556

Tokoyami: 360

Iida: 301

The list went on, and you practically gawked at the number of offers you had, slight dread washing over you. "In past years, it's been more spread out. But there's a pretty big gap this time." Mr. Aizawa said. "No shit.."

Some people in the class with little to no offers started complaining. "Y/n got the most, ahead of Todoroki?" You suddenly felt really embarrassed as the attention was on you. 

You thrummed your fingers on your desk as people were talking and Bakugou started complaining about something. "Despite these results, you'll all be interning with pros. Got it? Even those of you who didn't get any offers." Aizawa interrupted.

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