"Now, you're going to go to security, which is to your left, then you are going to go to section B7, which is on the second floor," the lady explained.

"Oh, ok thank you!" Mom thanked her, "By any chance, do you know where the restaurants are?"

"Mom, she works here! Of course she knows where the restaurants are!" I told my mother in a fresh tone.

"Sorry about my daughter. She can be like this at times."

The lady just laughed. "No, no, it's ok! I understand; I have two kids back at home! And by the way, there are some restaurants on the second floor in between sections A12 and B1!"

"Oh, ok. Thank you!" Mom thanked the lady, as we started to head towards security.

"You're welcome! Have a nice flight!"

"Thank you!" We all thanked her.

As soon as we had went through security, we gathered up all of our carry-ons and headed towards the elevator.

"Race you to the elevator!" I told Taylor, as I began to run towards the elevator.

"Frankie, you know that I don't like to do childish things like that!" Taylor shouted at me.

"Yeah, but you raced me down the hallway in the hotel that one time!" I shouted to her over my shoulder.

"Yeah, but that was when nobody was looking! This is a public place, Frankie!"


"So, people will be able to see us act how we aren't supposed to!"

"So what? I'm a kid and you are too!"

"Yeah, but I'm a teenager; you're a tweenager! Ten-year-olds do stuff like that. Fourteen-year-olds, on the other hand, don't!"

"Ok, suit yourself, Tay!"

I continued to run, until I had reached the silver elevators. I quickly pressed the up button on the metal control panel that was right in between the two elevators. Just as Mom and Taylor had finally caught up with me, we heard a loud, "Ding!" The elevator to the right of us automatically opened and we all stepped inside of it. I then pushed the little, white, round button on the control panel that was inside of the elevator that had a, "2" on it. The metal doors of the elevator then merged together. Up the elevator went.

About a few seconds later, we heard another, "Ding!", as the elevator came to a halt. The elevator doors quickly opened, letting us step onto the second floor. In front of us, was a restaurant called, "Airplane Eatery". It had a red floor with white walls that complimented the whole entire restaurant. Instead of regular tables and chairs, there was red booths and black tables. The walls of the restaurant were decorated with pictures of famous airplanes. Also, in each corner, there were black flat screen TVs that were on some kind of sports channel.

"Alright, girls, let's go eat before we have to get on our flight!" Mom told us.

"But, Mom, Frankie and I already ate lunch in school today!" Taylor argued.

"And besides, the name Airplane Eatery kinda turns me off," I added, "I hate airplane food!"

Mom just laughed. "Oh, they don't serve airplane food! That's just the name of the restaurant!"

"Well, I still don't wanna eat there because I'm not hungry!"

"Me neither!" Taylor agreed.

"Well, I am hungry and I do want to eat there! Unlike you girls, I haven't had lunch yet!"

"Alright, Mom, Frankie and I will go in there with you."

"But, what are we going to do in there?" I asked, "Sit there and do nothing? Mom, we're going to get bored."

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I'll let you and Taylor play on your phones, while we're in there!"

"Ok!" Taylor and I agreed, as we headed into Airplane Eatery.

A dark-haired waiter immediately let us sit down at one of the red booths and took Mom's orders, as soon as we had gotten inside of the restaurant. Taylor and I immediately took out our carry-on back packs that we put our phones in and unzipped them. I began to rummage through my back pack, until I had found my iPhone. I quickly took it out, zippered up my back pack, and turned my phone back on. Since I had turned my phone all the way off, so that none of its batteries would get drained, I had to wait a few seconds for it to turn back on.

Since I had nothing better to do, I decided to invite Taylor to a game of Doodle Jump. She immediately accepted my invitation and we began to race our "doodles". So we could tell out doodles apart, they made my doodle wear a blue outfit and Taylor's wear a red outfit. Taylor and I had gotten a chance to race each other fifteen times before Mom was done eating and we could finally go to our section, B7. I won eight times and she won seven times, so the score was pretty close. I do not care that I beat Taylor by only one point; I was just glad that I had won against my big sister in something.

"Come on, girls!" Mom told us, making us put down our phones, "Let's go to our section!"

"Finally!" I exclaimed, as I grabbed my things, hopped up out of the booth that I was sitting at, and ran towards our section.

"Hey, Frankie, wait up!" Taylor shouted after me, as she and Mom grabbed their things and followed me to section B7.

I quickly ran up to the numerous rows of grey chairs that the airport reserved for people that were waiting for their flight and hopped in one of them that was in the third row. I decided to save a seat for Mom and Taylor by putting my phone down in one of the seats and my purple back pack in another.

"Thanks, Frankie!" Mom thanked me, as she and Taylor handed my belongings back to me and sat down in the seats that I had saved for them.

"You're welcome!" I replied, as I turned my phone back on, "Hey, Taylor, do you want to play Doodle Jump with me again?"

"Sure!" She agreed, "Just invite me through Game Center!"


After about twenty minutes of Taylor and I racing each other on Doodle Jump, we heard a guy say through the loud speakers, "Those who are going on flight B7 can now board the plane!"

"Ok, that's us, girls!" Mom announced, as she, Taylor, and I picked up all of our carry-ons and stood up.

"This is so exciting!" I shouted with joy, as we got in line, "We're finally going back to New York!"

"I know, right!?!?" Mom and Taylor agreed with me.

As soon as we had finally reached the black ticket counter, the guy who was standing behind it took our tickets and ripped off their stubs.

"Here you go!" He announced, as he handed them back to us, "Have a nice flight!"

"Thank you!" Mom, Taylor, and I thanked him, as we began to walk through the long tunnel that lead to the white plane that we were going to be flying on.

This was going to be so much fun! Not only were we going on another vacation with our best friends, but we were also going to get to catch even more criminals and go back to the state that Taylor and I grew up in, New York!

Sam & Cat & the Haunted Thundermans: The Vandal Look AlikesWhere stories live. Discover now