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My eyes drifted open, the morning light coming from the round windows flooding inside the common room. I shielded my eyes, squinting them to avoid the sun's harsh and bright rays. I let out a yawn, sitting up in the armchair I once slept peacefully in. Well, if peacefully meant uncomfortably. I was so tired last night I threw myself on whatever piece of furniture I could and fell asleep, which just so happened to be an armchair out of everything. I glanced around, seeing that most Hufflepuffs were gone for breakfast. A soft sigh escaped my slightly chapped lips, glancing around.

Ernie lay on one of the yellow and black couches, his feet dangling off the side of the armrest. I sat up, stretching my arms a bit as a leaned over towards my best friend.

"Ernie," I whispered, gently tapping his foot. "Ernie, wake up," I whispered once again, tapping his foot once more. I heard a few stifled groans coming from him as he turned in his light sleep. I rolled my eyes, standing up and walking over to him.

"Wake up, Macmillan!" I suddenly shouted, putting my hands on my hips. Well, I made sure that I didn't wake anybody else, of course. Only Ernie deserves to be shouted at to wake up. Ernie suddenly jolted awake, his dirty blond hair a mess.

"Cedric! I was having a quite delightful dream, you know. Warn me before you go off and scare me half to bloody death waking me up, " He rolled his eyes. How could I warn him if he was asleep-? You know what, nevermind. I smiled, chuckling a bit under my breath.

"Well, hurry and get up and at 'em. I don't want to miss breakfast, and you know what those Muggles say: breakfast is the most important meal of the day!" I smiled cheerfully, standing tall and proud. Ernie just laughed and rolled his eyes again. He got up, walking over to where his wand was. I quickly looked away, walking over to my own wand.

"So, care to tell me what your delightful dream was about?" I smiled slyly, tilting my head a bit to the side, but kept my eyes on my wand. I quickly used my wand to perform a quick spell that changed my quidditch clothes to my normal robes. I smiled, tightening the yellow and black striped tie on my neck.

"It's none of your business, " I heard a huff coming from him. "but since you're my best friend...I suppose I shall tell you. It was um, well...Zacharias was in it." I could hear him fumbling over his words, obviously embarrassed.

"Smith?" I mumbled under my breath, putting my hands on my hips as I turned around. I walked a little closer, getting a bit intrigued. "Go on."

"Uh, okay. Well, we were on the quidditch field, alright? And I have to say, he's a very good player. I mean, a good chaser, that is. You're obviously the best on our team, Cedric-" He rambled on, but I stopped him before he could go any farther.

"I know I'm good, but what about Zacharias?" I didn't mind throwing in that bit of boasting, really.

"Oh! Yes, about...about Zacharias.  I don't know where my mind was when I had this dream, but suddenly, he flew past me and when he did, he planted a kiss on my cheek! A bloody kiss!" Ernie exclaimed, flailing his arms in the air. I stifled a laugh, picturing the image in my mind.

"A kiss? Ernie, I think you have a crush." I smiled, moving my robes over a bit so I could have my hands on my hips. Ernie blushed madly, elbowing me in the arm.

"Sod off." I watched as he began walking out of the common room, ducking his head. I chuckled to myself a bit and began walking out of the common room myself.

I walked through the hallways, waving to my fellow students occasionally. I finally got to the Great Hall, opening the doors and walking in. I smiled, looking over at the Hufflepuff table, but for some reason, I found myself walking towards the Gryffindor table. My face instantly heated up, though, once I snapped back to reality and to where I was headed.

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