unveil (ellick fluff)(bishop x torres)

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FOR @1-_Dreamer_-1. I really hope you like it!! I know you've been waiting literally since before Christmas but exam revision was insane until the COVID19 Pandemic caused them to be cancelled fully. That means I'm free now and I got to this literally as soon I was able too. I hope you're all staying safe. Wash your hands and practice social distancing! Much love ❤️

I stared at my reflection; bags under my eyes, messy hair and mascara from last night. I sighed, butterflies suddenly filling my gut, reminding me of what's happening today and making me smile. I look down to my hands. My nails were done yesterday, so that's one thing I don't have to worry about today. I glance over to my left hand, gazing at my ring which shines and reflects light. I couldn't wait to marry my best friend.

"C'mon! Time to shower!" My mom bursts into my room with a smile. "You look like hell, go!" She pushes me into my bathroom, where I get into the shower. The water helps me release my nerves, as they melt away with the heat, being replaced by excitement and joy. I massage my shampoo into my hair as I daydream about my dress, and the entire aesthetic. Thank god for Nick being so well-put-together when it comes to colour and pattern coordination because without him, this wedding would look like a hot mess. I let my conditioner settle into my hair as I start to sooth my muscles with floral shower gel, rinsing myself off under the cascading heat. My teeth had already been brushed, and my breakfast had already been eaten. I turned off the liquid comfort as I grabbed a soft towel and dried myself off, putting on my underwear and robe, walking out of the shower to find my mother, Sloane, Ziva and Abby waiting for me with champagne.

"Congratulations, Eleanor." Ziva said as she hugged me, already ready with her hair simply tied back sleekly and a crimson midi dress. Her tan skin contrasted against the reflective silkiness of her dress. She looked like an Israeli goddess.

"Thank you," I smiled as Abby wrapped her arms around me tightly before ushering me to sit as she started on my hair, and Jackie started my makeup. I smiled a Ziva helped my mother with her hair. I couldn't wait to start the rest of my life with my soulmate, and I had all of my best friends with me to celebrate that.

Thankfully Jackie finished my makeup quickly. I didn't want too much, but I wanted enough to even out my skin tone and make me looked more sun-kissed. She definitely brought my vision to life. "How are you feeling?" She asked as she leant onto my desk, proud of her work.

"Nervous, but I'm so excited. It doesn't feel real." I stammer. The butterflies in my belly swarmed as I thought of Nick. I couldn't wait to share his surname and make it ours. I smiled.

After gliding into my dress and my mother put on my veil I couldn't have felt more bridal. I felt like a woman. Powerful. Beautiful. Resilient. Delicate. I felt electric. I looked in the mirror and admired my choice of gown. The bright white fabric complimented my skin tone and hair colour perfectly; although I was pale and blonde the colour made me look undoubtably radiant. I was glowing. I ran my hands over the intricate lace pattern and fell in love with it all over again. The warmth in my chest suddenly spread through my belly and down my limbs as I blushed, remembering the pride on Gibbs' face when I walked out wearing it. I stifled a laugh as I remembered how unimpressed he was by the concept of going wedding dress shopping with my mother, Abby, Kasey, and some of my friends from home.

"Are you ready, baby?" My mom asked again, holding my hand and standing next to me. She beamed. I nodded, mirroring her facial expression. She handed me my vibrant bouquet and we made our way outside. It was spring and the wildflowers painted the field in joy as golden rays of sunlight signalled that it's about damn time I marry the man of my dreams. I chuckled as I reminisced of Nick and I high-fiving one another when we decided to poetically day our 'I Do's' during the golden hour. And we were right to decide that; I couldn't comprehend the beauty of this moment. A simple, joyous tune played on a guitar played as my mother guided me down the aisle toward my fiancé. He looked so good in his grey suit. I couldn't wait to tear it off of him later.


"I now pronounce you man and wife. Get to smooching, you two." Jimmy smiled. I grabbed Nick's fave and practically yanked him to me, kissing my husband. We beamed as we gazed into each other's eyes and kissed again. I heart was bursting with joy. I'd never felt this whole before. I'd never felt this at home before.

"I love you." I exhaled.

"I love you, too." He gasped. "You are all I'll ever need."

"I think you meant 'you two are the only ones I'll ever need'." I grinned. He pushed me back, not understanding what I was saying until I moved his hands from my hips to my lower abdomen.

"It's just us three now."

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