For Time Heal Wounds

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The pic ain't mine it came from Pinterest

Get Ready for an Angst Fest featuring our Yi City Group

A bit if warning for violence and maybe a trigger warning too...

Xiao XingChen never asked for something like this... He's alive when he shouldn't be, He's Alive, He's not blind and He's in YueYang ,With every bit of memory of his life in Yi City...

And then he bumped to an old friend, in the same situation as him, Song Lan,Reunited again they never knew what this new life is in store for them

Until a seven year old made them look back at the past..

He woke up gasping...

Where is he?

He's alive?

He can't be reincarnated, he chose not to!

So why is he alive in some place and he can see... He's not blind...

He doesn'tcare if he looked like he has seen a horde of corpses he needs answers, he walked out of the alley he woke up in,dusting his clothes

He walk up to see a market place... He ask the first vendor he sees

"Uhmm... Good day madam can you tell what place is this?"

"ah you're a daoist priest from the mountains? " she said quite perceptive as she scan him up and down

"I am "

"Thought so... This is Yueyang young man"

"Many thanks madam"

He managed to suppress his shock as he walk away

His head filled with thoughts ...

What happened after he died?

Did Xue Yang...

A surge of rage filled him... Xue Yang... If he is ever alive in this world again,he will be the one to execute him...

He's not one to hate, not one to have the intention to kill but if it comes to it, if he ever encounter Xue Yang in the same situation... He won't hesitate ...

Still filled with unanswered thoughts he did not notice his surroundings he regret it the second he realized he slam onto something

"I'm sorry... "

Oh it's someone not something


He looked up at the person... That voice

"XingChen, is it really... "

"Zichen,Song Lan"

"You're...alive... "

Words caught up in his throat... Guilt begins to grow...

He gave his eyes to this person... He killed him

Then he found himself caught in Song Lan's embrace , warm and assuring,Yet

"Song Lan, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry"

"It's not your fault, I never once blamed you after all I'm the one who pushed you away... And if you didn't give your eyes if I didn't became blind "

"I chose to have you my sight Song Lan, I would never regret doing that"

They stayed in each other's arms, like they are the only ones standing there, when they pulled back they remembered they still in the marketplace, thankfully no one seems to mind them

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