Chapter Seven | Let Me Help You

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Narcissa Black screamed — but amidst all of the chaos, her voice was unheard.

A cold hand wrapped around her wrist, fingernails digging into her arm like claws. She cried out and spun around, trying to free herself from the masked figure who was dragging her through the crowd. However, the cloaked figure was clearly much stronger than her, and despite her incessant struggles, she could not escape.

"Let me go!" Narcissa yelled, but the masked figure ignored her pleas, continuing to pull her down the demolished aisles of Honeydukes. As they walked, a loud bang was heard as another heavy, candy filled shelf crashed to the ground. Narcissa coughed, debris clouding the air around her. She staggered forward and turned her head around, frantically searching for her sister through the darkened air. Narcissa continued to struggle against the figure's grip, until she was met by the cool breeze of the outside air. The attacker's face, like all the others, was covered with a skull like mask, making it impossible for Narcissa to see who the figure was. She coughed, blinking as her eyes adjusted to the bright sky.

"W-what do you want from me?" Narcissa questioned, trying her best to appear brave.

The figure ignored her question, now dragging her down the stone paved streets of Honeydukes. There was so much panic in the streets — loud screams, people running away in fear, and spells being cast — that no one payed a second glance to the cloaked figure pulling the thirteen year old girl along. In what seemed like an instant they arrived in a dark, crooked alleyway, hidden from plain sight.

The cloaked figure lifted their hood and removed their mask, revealing a face that Narcissa recognized all too well.


"Narcissa." Lucius replied stoically, dropping her hand. She looked down at her arm, a large red imprint marking where his hand had just been.

"I don't understand..." Narcissa trailed off, backing up against the brick wall as far as she could go.

"Once I saw you inside the store, I had to get you out." Lucius said, stiffly.

"You... you were behind the attack?" She questioned, in disbelief.

"I wasn't the officiator, but I assisted in it, yes." He replied, matter of factly. "It was, however, supposed to be against mudbloods and blood traitors only — the rest collateral damage."

Narcissa stared at the floor, letting his words sink in.

"Can't even look at me?" Lucius scoffed. "You're the one who messed everything up."

"Me? What have I done?" Narcissa questioned, looking up to meet his eyes.

"You ruined our entire plan. You weren't supposed to be in there, with them." Lucius said, coldly.

"And how was I supposed to know?" She retorted, angrily. "Am I not allowed to enter any shop without your permission now?"

"You should've stayed in The Three Broomsticks, where I left you." He replied.

"T-that's not fair, Lucius, and you know it." She replied, taking a shaky breath.

"Not fair." Lucius glowered at her. "You should be glad that I saved you. I could've left you in there."

"You... y-you left my sister in there!"

"Your sister is learning her lesson." Lucius crossed his arms.

"A lesson? What sort of lesson?" Her voice turned sour.

"That's to none of your concern."

"Andromeda is the nicest person I've ever met!" Narcissa defended. "What has she done to deserve one? Regardless, we can't just leave her in there! She could get hurt, attacked, or wors–"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2020 ⏰

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