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Blaine regretted that he didn't help Kurt in the hallway. Karofsky is too harsh toward him and Blaine knew that Karofsky can easily go to the extremes when it comes to bullying. He felt sorry for Kurt, but he knew he couldn't stand up against Karofsky. He had to stay friends with Dave to not be called gay or being bullied. He had suffered enough of that before he came to McKinley.
He couldn't stop thinking about his conversation with Kurt. He jest blamed him for what happened by the dumpster when the poor kid was just a victim. No one deserves the crap Kurt gets. No one. Blaine wasn't even sure that the kid was gay. Maybe he was a straight guy that just acted girly? Gay or straight, Kurt shouldn't have been tossed in the dumpster. He didn't choose it. It must've been really humiliating for him. Puck should learn how to treat people well. I won't be surprised if he ends up in prison. At least Puck is stoppable. Finn just had to tell him to stop and he would. Most of the time.

Blaine watched Kurt stand up from the floor and go to sign up for the one of the clubs. Blaine couldn't see which one it was, but it didn't matter which club Kurt chose. It was as if the poor guy asked for being bullied. The popular kids would find ways to make him a loser no matter what. Blaine was happy that he was on the football team. They were the popular kids. He never wanted to go back to being a zero. No matter what would happen, he wanted to be popular. When Blaine couldn't see the blue color of Kurt's shirt, he went to class.


Blaine got the biggest shock when he got to the locker room before practice after school and he saw Puck holding a slushy as the first thing. He had never tried to get hit by a slushy, but he had seen how much it can hurt. There had been many times where he had seen members of the less popular clubs get hit or rush to the bathroom to get it of as well as they could. This time Puck was holding a raspberry slushy. Good choice. Then it wouldn't cause too much damage to Blaine's already red T-shirt if it was meant to hit him.

"Puck..." Blaine said and put up his hands in surrender. "Please don't do this." Puck just looked at Karofsky and they both burst out in laughter. Blaine furrowed his brows in confusion.

"You really though this was for you, dude? This one is meant for Rachel Berry. If she chooses to be in Glee Club, she has it coming." He patted Blaine on the shoulder. "And no matter how gay you acted, you're our bro. As long as you're on the team, you won't get slushied, no matter how faggy you are." Blaine sent him a smile that was filled with both worry and relief. Relief because he was out of the danger, but worry because the way Puck said it actually meant 'if you leave the team, you'll drown in slushies'.

"Let's go see who else are in that stupid loser-club." Dave suggested. Blaine frowned.

"Wait, if you don't know who's in the Glee Club, why have you planned on throwing a slushy at Rachel Berry?" Though the team was already half way out of the door, they turned to the shorter brunette.

"Though you haven't been here for long, Anderson, you should've already guessed that that hobbit wants to get attention already." Karofsky said and they all walked out the door. As they walked, all of the students -except for the cheerleaders- looked at the team with fear because of the slushy in Puck's hand. Blaine spotted Rachel Berry who was reaching for her raincoat. He stopped and looked at her, but his teammates didn't. Finn poked him on the shoulder to make him keep walking. I thought we were going to slushy Rachel an then go to see the list? Blaine thought, more of it as a question than a statement. The first few jocks from the team arrived by the board with list of club signups. When Blaine and Finn arrived, Blaine immediately spotted the list for Glee Club and started reading the list.

Oh no...

This can't be good...

Anything but that...

"I think we can all agree that we know who's going to taste some ice." Karofsky announced while clasping his hands together and smirked a smirk, that could only mean trouble. "I'm going to take this one." He then said and took the slushy out of Puck's hands. Blaine couldn't stop this and he felt awful about it. After walking down the hallway for a while, the whole team were surrounding the victim and the locker behind them so there was no way out of this. Blaine already felt horrible for the kid.

"Please don't do this." Was the last words Kurt managed to say before Karofsky threw the slushy...

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