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ady laughed at herself for being caught staring. she honestly should've felt embarrassed, but she wasn't at all. It may have just been a random surge of confidence or the amount of alcohol she consumed that made her speak next, "i know what i want," she replied just as casually as colby.

colby smirked, narrowing his eyes, "yet i had to go and make the first move,"

ady rolled her eyes while she sipped her vodka special. "so i guess you know what you want, too,"

there was definitely tension building between them, and ady so desperately wanted to ease it by kissing the boy, but she was a tease when she was drunk. ady leaned back into the sofa, taking another sip of her drink as she watched colby, then spoke up, "so, what's the occasion?" ady asked, referring to the vip booth. she assumed it was a birthday or something.

colby shrugged, "just a regular saturday night," colby replied.

ady laughed at his cool tone, "well aren't you something special," colby laughed, a real genuine laugh. "are you in uni?"

ady glanced at the other side of the sofa, where she watched a brunette girl intently watch the interaction between her and colby. she smiled at the other girl, hoping she'd look away. she didn't.

colby spoke, bringing her back to attention, "nope. i'm a ghost hunter."

ady was sure her jaw hit the floor with his statement. "um, you're a what? you're kidding, right?"

colby grinned, then took a final drink from his cup. "yeah, me and most of these people, actually. we videos of it and shit,"

"you're fucking insane,"

"a little,"

the two sat and talked for another ten minutes before one of colby's friends approached the two. "colby, come be in a video quick!" he was tan and had dark hair.

"i'm a little busy," colby stated, gesturing with his head to ady, who just giggled in response.

"i'm fine, go ahead," ady insisted, leaning back into her seat.

"i'll be quick."

ady sat watching the group of boys, laughing to herself at their actions.

"what a bunch of fuckin' idiots," the brunette girl laughed. she was sitting on the edge of the sofa, one leg crossed over the other while she held an almost-empty glass.

ady nodded in the direction of the boys, "are they always like this?"

"for as long as i've known them," she replied. "i'm andrea."

ady gave a small wave to her in response. "ady."

"so are you in on this ghost hunting shit too, then?" ady asked, genuinely curious about the so-called career. but also partially because she didn't really want to sit in awkward silence while she waited for colby to come back.

andrea rolled her eyes jokingly. "hardly. they kinda force me into it when i go on trips with them,"

ady played with the straw in her drink as she spoke, "that's wild. y'all are crazy."

"you're not far off, honestly." andrea replied, taking a drink from her bottle of beer. "my content is pretty different from theirs though. just like, random shit."

ady nodded, completely oblivious to what she was talking about. "well whatever it is, i'm sure it's better than chasing after hundred-year-old angry demons,"

"you know what, you're the shit! i like you!"

the two girls continued talking, laughing and making jokes about the boys who were all filming each other act like idiots. eventually, colby came and sat next to ady, and even though she was in the middle of a conversation with andrea, she couldn't stop glancing at the boy beside her.

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