Chapter 1

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A/N: Just a quick note, parentheses means thoughts. Also, both Nova and Eyerus can speak spanish because of their parents. So quotes and parentheses together like, ("This,") means they're speaking in spanish. Anyway, lets get on to the story. :)
Third person POV
The two girls looked up at their mother, her crimson eyes filled with fear. She was facing away from people around them so they couldn't see her expression. Everyone had to think she was just letting them go somewhere for a couple hours. There had to be no suspicion.
She spoke in spanish quietly to her daughters, so it would be harder for some to understand her. ("Here,") She said, handing each of them a bag. They each held some food, money, clothes, and the things she knew they'd hate to part with.
("What are these for Mama?") The one with the darker hair and eyes asked. ("It's getting too dangerous here. I need you to run.") The woman said. ("Where?") The girl with the lighter hair and eyes asked, pushing a strand of hair out of her face.
("Death City. You'll be safer there. Don't show your fear. They can see you. Act like I'm just telling you that you can go somewhere for the day.") The woman had to try hard now to keep her tears back.
("Go to the DWMA. I've told Lord Death you're coming.") The girls both looked upset but they tried to hide it from prying eyes. The dark haired one noticed the stares and decided to make this a little more convincing. She couldn't make herself or her sister look happy so she decided on a different plan.
"But Mama!" She whined in english. "I don't want to go there. It's so boring!" Her mother understood what she was doing. ("What about you?") The lighter haired one asked.
("Eyerus. Nova. Don't worry about me. I'll be alright. Just run.") She said in a scolding tone as if scolding them for complaining, when really, she wasn't.
"Go. Now." She said in english. They both turned, knowing they had to do what their mother said so she would be safe. They couldn't make a scene here or risk her getting hurt. That was probably why she chose to do this here.
"I love you." She called after them. "I love you too." Nova, the one with lighter hair and eyes said.
"I love you Mama." Eyerus, the one with darker hair and eyes said.
They both walked away. They walked until they reached the edge of town. Then they started to run, their mother's words echoing in their heads.
They had been running for a while when one of them broke the silence. "We should go to the next town over, then get on a train to get to Death City faster." Eyerus said as they ran. "Yeah. We should probably check to sea what Mom gave us to bring. We need to see if we can pay for the train."
They moved off the rode and sat down on the ground to look at what they had. They each found some money, clothes, food, water, and some of their special things. They looked at how much money they had and saw that they'd have way more than enough for the train. "We should probably take the train to the closest town to Death City instead of just going right there so it would be even harder to track us." Nova said to her sister. Eyerus nodded in agreement.
Time skip to after they ride the train and after they get to Death City cause I'm lazy.
They both look up at the building in front of them. "It's so symmetrical!" Nova breathes. "Holy crap that's a lot of stairs." Eyerus says. Nova sighs.
"I guess we should start going up?" She asks. "I guess so." Eyerus responds, sounding a little nervous. They started the long climb up the stairs.
Small time skip to when they get to the top.
After they got to the top, they both slumped to the ground. "Why are there so many freaking stairs?!" Nova cried. "I have no idea." Eyerus groans. She looks up then and gasps. "Wow. I think I know why." She looked out at the view, it was beautiful. Nova looked to see what she was looking at and saw it too. "Wow. It's really pretty."
They had been travling all night and it was morning now so their was even a sunrise that made the view look even better. "We should probably get up now and go find someone who can take us to Lord Death." Eyerus stood up. "Yeah." Nova sighed and stood up too. They started to walk toward the entrance. They saw a man standing there. He had gray hair and a screw sticking out of the side of his head.
Eyerus stiffened slightly. Nova could tell that guy creeped her sister out a little. She felt the same. "Hello. I am Stein. I'm one of the teachers here. You're Eyerus and Nova Fierce correct?" "Yes." Both girls said. "I was told to take you to Lord Death. Follow me."
Stein turned and walked inside the large building. Eyerus and Nova followed him. He took them to a door marked with a skull and a plate reading, "Death Room."
Stein enters the room and the girls follow, fealing nervous again. They walk through a tunnel of gates that are stiled to look like guillotines. Then they got in to the main room, which is dome shaped with a domed ceiling that looks like a sky with white clouds that actually float around like a real sky. In the middle of the room is a platform with stairs leading up to it.
On the platform, there is a large mirror. Stein walks up to said mirror and blows on the mirror and writes some numbers, saying, "42 42 5 64, whenever you want to knock on death's door." Eyerus and Nova looked at each other, wondering what was going to happen.
A figure appeared in the mirror. He wore dark clothes and a skull mask. "Hey hey Stein. What brings you here?" He said in a cartoonish voice. It made the girls feel a little less nervous. This was probably Lord Death.
He notices the two girls behind Stein. "Hello. You must be Eyerus and Nova Fierce right? I'm Lord Death. Welcome to the DWMA." Eyerus saw that Nova was too shy at the moment to talk, so she put a protective arm around her sister and said with a smile, "Thank you Lord Death. May I ask what class we'll be in and if you know of any place we can stay? Our mother didn't give us much information."
"My son Kid should be here any minut to take you to your class. And you can stay with Kid for the time being." Nova and Eyerus looked at each other, worrying that this Kid person wouldn't like this. "Don't worry. It's fine. Kiddo won't mind." "Alright. Thank you very much." Eyerus smiled again.
Someone came in to the room behind the girls and they turned.
Nova's POV
We turned to see a boy had entered the room. He had black hair that was cut very symmetrically. There were three white stripes on the left side of his hair.
My eyes moved to his face, and stopped on his eyes. They were a beautiful gold color. I couldn't stop looking.
He was looking at me too. Then he walked closer to me and Eyerus stepped a little closer to my side, protectively. But all he did was reach out and push a strand of hair out of my eyes. It shocked me and my sister.
"There. Now you're symmetrical." He said. "Hey hey Kiddo. You shouldn't do that to someone you just met." "I It's fine." I said. "Anyway," Lord Daw said. "This is my son, Death The Kid. Kid this is Nova and Eyerus Fierce."
"Hello. You can just call me Kid." The boy said to us. "Hi." My sister said beside me. "Hi." I said as well.
"They're in your class Kiddo. Will you take them there? They don't know their way around yet. Also, they're going to be staying with you for the time being." "Alright father." Kid said.
He turned to us. "Come on. I'll take you to our class." He smiled. I felt my cheeks get a little warm.
As we walked out, Eyerus whispered to me in spanish, ("You're blushing. Why is that?") ("Shut up.") I responded.
A/N: Wow. That was a long first chapter. I hope you guys liked it. Also, don't get mad at me if I get descriptions wrong. I'm visually impaired so seeing certain details is kind of hard. I have to look up descriptions of people and things or ask someone to make sure i'm getting them right.
Anyway, I hope you like this so far. I'll see you in the next chapter.
Bye :)

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