Chapter 7 - Sun and Moon!!

Start from the beginning


Holding hands of disappointment I walked out of the store. I was halted in my steps as soon as my eyes landed on the similar face I've been searching for past two days. My heart immediately skipped a beat as he looked at me.
He waved his hand towards me and I just passed him a smile. I was angry at him for not showing up and now when he's standing in front of me, my all complaints went out of the box. I felt conscious of how I'm looking all of a sudden.

Why am I so pathetic?

Kabir walked towards me. His hands were shoved inside his long black coat's pocket. The muffler around his neck and cap over his head was adding charm to his handsomeness. Standing in front of me, he smiled. I gave him a head to toe glance. Why is he so freaking hansome?

"Hey", he said. His voice is nice too.

Why am I appreciating him so much?

"I thought I'm never gonna see you", I said. I regretted it seconds later. Why am I confessing my feelings to him?

"I thought the same too. But I couldn't help. I tried not to meet you and leave. My plan to avoid you was going well for past two days", He said.

"Why did you come then? You should have left. I didn't ask you to meet me", I said feeling offended. If he didn't want to see me then I don't want to meet him too. I'm not that free.

"My heart felt good when I'm with you. It needs you", he said shrugging his shoulder and my heart smiled. How did he do that? Why does his words soothes me? Why does his absence is making me restless?

I like me better when I'm with you, my heart silently whispered!!

"One smooth talker you're", I said and he smiled. I noticed he had worn a chain with a star pendant around his neck. It was pretty.

"Your pendant is beautiful", I said and he looked down. Holding it, he smiled.

"This reminds me of her. My star", he said indicating about his ex girlfriend. I nodded.

"When are you leaving?", I asked the question whose answer I already know.

"Tomorrow", he said and I nodded. I couldn't ask when will he come back! I know his answer will be Never.

Atleast he's not gonna come here for me. I'm not that special!!

"What do you want to do now?", I asked.

"Can we roam around for sometime?", He asked.

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