⭐Private Screening Pt.2⭐

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Third Person's POV

"So what does it mean to be a leader?" Ms. Suzy asked the group of Ravens sitting on the grass.

"Is it something you're born with? Is it something you learn?" she listed off.

"I would like us all to think about this question using a test case. We all know what a test case is?" she asked

"I know what a case officer is" Jackie joked which enlisted a small chuckle from the rest of the group.

"Any ideas for who our test case could be?" she asked the group.

"How about the best of the best, Mr. Steve Jobs? RIP" Max said

"But he didn't lead a country. How about Barack Obama?" Emma said

"Or an artist like David Bowe?" Becca offered. "Over Kim Kardashian?" Jackie said in a valley girl voice.

"Or how about Katniss Everdeen from the Hunger Games?" Winnie asked

"These are all great examples. I thought we would start with someone you all know. Turn on your Louies. Say hi to Sheriff Woody Pride, our leader test case" she instructed.

"Your first activity this year is a short one. I want you all to think of a word to describe Sheriff Woody as a leader. I'll see you in a few hours. " She said standing up

"I hope you all bring interesting ideas to the table." she said.

"One word? That's it?" Emma asked dumbfounded

"You want us to think about Sheriff Woody all day?" Max asked.

"Welcome to the Greenhouse." Ms.Suzy said as she walked away.

"I can't believe that our test case is a cartoon character!" Emma said

"Who invented Woody? Pixar. And who was the chair of the Pixar board? The best of the best Steve Jobs. RIP" Emma said.

"Jackie who's your favorite. Woody or Buzz Lightyear?" Max asked

"Uhm. I don't know" she said before walking away


"Why are you following me?" Jackie asked exasperated as she heard Max walking behind her.

"I'm not. But listen..... do you want to work together on the Toy Story assignment?" The tall boy asked

"NO" Jackie said curtly

"Are you sure? Why not?" Max asked

"Cause I work along. Thanks" Jackie said

"You're okay. You looked upset in class?" he asked

"I'm fine" Jackie answered. "Okay cool" Max said.

"Good luck. As Woody would always say to infinity and beyond!" Max said in a fake deep voice.

"Yeah, I love it when he says that." Jackie said

"Actually he never said that. It was Buzz lightyear" Max corrected. "Okay, I knew you never saw the movie" he admitted.

"What do want from me Max?" Jackie questioned

"Nothing. See I can help. Woody is this toy cowboy who belongs to this-" Max started before Jackie cut him off.

"Max just leave me alone" Jackie yelled before walking off.


Starlight-⭐✨🌟🌠--(A GreenHouse Academy Fanfiction)[Leo CruzxOC]Where stories live. Discover now