Story time

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                            Someone POV

Once upon a time, there was a land and the sea that was both kingdoms that live together, but they are different from each other. the land people have foot and sea creature has an only tail, but both kingdoms have the same personality as humans nor monsters.

they lived so happy but they are not meant together as one, because they have their different rules and orders with their kind. and I know they want to meet, but both Kings or Queens hated each other because of what they do to their kinds.

some sea creature saw that the land people took their friends out of the water (Fish or Mermaids?) to make them food or selling their parts, and the land people saw that the mermaids are eating their own kind to use their tricky voice to attract them, that's where both kingdoms were arguing about. they been having war countless times and now it's time to them to separate kingdoms and never see them again. forever and ever!

                              A little princess child respond POV

"That means that we will never see them again" the child response sad looking in her face. ' now i can never be friends with them and to know more about them and to make my brother happy' in her thought, and all she wanted to make his big bro having friends with new people around him but it failed all her plan is to meet his brother a mermaid. but when she look at his brother his a bit sad and disappointed. BUT! 

                              First-person (the one who read the story) POV

"Hhmmm.... not exactly-" I said that been cut my words " REALLY!!!" the other prince child responds and his very excited to hear this story 'oh...boy another storytelling' as my thought said. " yes, it's the story of the legendary mermaid she's very different from the mermaid I heard when I was a little kid," I said

"Is she beautiful and kind, a person?" the little princess said " Yes?" I said "and she's also a princess too," I said " Wow! Really!" both princess and prince said surprisingly " yep! she's the first child who born from a mysterious place after the war is over, and I don't know about the mermaid's history about her" I said when I looked the princess and prince upset again "but.... when I heard she's a very special child and very sad of course," I said " What! Why!" the prince said as shock and very curious as I said, "why it's so sad?" the princess ask sad and worried about the mermaid princess " she's been missing when she at 8 year's old, just like your age, she's been kidnapped because her power is very incredible and she also an immortal,and.... now go to sleep it's already midnight" I said when i look the clock that is already perfect timing

" WHAT! why? you didn't even tell us about the Legendary mermaid Story-" as I cut his word " Now, now little prince! you need to sleep, your father will get angry, look at your sister she's already asleep!" I said very tired "but, bu-" I cut again " No.BUTS!!" I said and he begins to cry 'oh shi-' in my thought " hey there don't cry it's already midnight and you need to sleep for tomorrow I promise I'll continue that story" I said

" p-pinky promise?" he said "Pfff... I never thought you'll be so soft~" I said and smirk at him "Shut up you stupid maid!!" he said like an angry cat " ok, ok I pinky promise," I said when I put my little finger in his baby finger " OMG so small" I said to hold my laugh " I. HATE. U..." he said and he glared at me really hard ' oh geez' in my thought.

" and don't tell the others about this," he said " of course, sleep well~ and goodnight little prince Nightmare and princess Dream" I said and give them a goodnight kiss and I blow the candles off and watch them when their sleep and I close the door quietly and said "i hope you find our princess soon~" I whisper and leave to watch the full moon in the middle of the ocean and go back to my room and sleep 




















"hello guys thank you for reading it~ just so you know it will get really long to update it and thank you for your patient of course so you're going to wait a month or weeks to read to the other part of the story and my words are 820!! OMG! i never had this word so long XDXDXD 

so i hope you enjoy to the next story XDXDXDXD~~~"

My sweet little Mermaid (Inkmare)XDXDXDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang