"Yibo.. Why Xiao Zhan phone is switched off?? Did he eat breakfast? Or he didn't wake up yet" Crystal Zhang asked him worriedly.

"Mom I can't find Xiao Zhan anywhere. I am searching him now." Yibo replied.

"What do you mean you can't find him?? Yibo find him now.. He is a naive boy.. Yibo baby find him by any cost. We are coming over there." Crystal Zhang replied.

"No mom. I will find him. Nothing going to happen. I will call you after finding him. I will find him soon." By saying this he cut the call.

It was 2pm now. Everyone searching for Xiao Zhan. There is no sigh of him. Yibo's eyes kinda becomes red. Heavy rain starts suddenly. He checked everywhere. Every room. Terrace. But he didn't find him anywhere. He is in street now. In heavy rain. He is searching for Xiao Zhan. Suddenly he stopped and looked up the sky.

"Where are you?? If you are playing around. I swear I won't say anything just come back." Yibo muttered.

(Imagine him in modern clothes)

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(Imagine him in modern clothes)

When he come back. He asked everyone if they did find him or not. But he notice one waiter was looking really scared. He grabs that waiter and punch him.

"Where is he?? I know.. You know something tell me. Where is he?? Your facial expression is telling me you know something about this." Yibo scream and keep punching him.

"I didn't do anything sir. That man gave me money to bring him hotel behind side." That waiter replied quickly.

Yibo immediately leave him. And goes to check hotel behind area.


On the other hand. Xiao Zhan is feeling dizzy. Can't even open his eyes properly. His hands are tied by rope.
It was a dark room. He tried to open his rope. But can't open it.

"Well.. Well. Baby is up now.. I never seen anyone pure this much. You have never use drug before. Wow.. It will be fun to have you." Unknown person said.

Xiao Zhan feels shivering in disgust.
"Who are you? Why did you bring me here? Let me go. I don't even know you." Xiao Zhan scream in shaky voice

"You don't know me. Yes right. I don't know you too. But I want you so I will have you." That unknown person replied and shows his face

" That unknown person replied and shows his face

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I Hate You (YiZhan FF) Where stories live. Discover now