01. anatomy park

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"Ho, Ho, Ho, everybody," He said as if it didn't matter who he brought in the house.

"Darlin', this isn't what I meant when I said get in the Christmas spirit." Cas said, walking up to the door, her arms crossed and Jerry right behind her.

"Yeah, more like woah, woah, woah," Jerry said. "What is this? My parents are coming!"

"Calm down, Jerry. This is Rueben, an old friend," Rick placed a hand on the mans shoulder and Cas cringed at the squelching sound it made and how he mumbled 'Pearl Harbor'. "I check in on him once a year and give him a little medical e-evaluation." Rick burped out the last few words and Cas noticed the little left over alcohol on his chin, letting her know he had been drinking recently.

"Aw, Dad, that is so sweet," Beth said, placing a hand over her heart.

Cas and Jerry seemed to be the only ones to catch on to how out of character this was for Rick. She hadn't been here for long but she knew Rick wasn't one for good deeds. She could only imagine what Rick's 'medical check ups' really meant. She made a mental note to never let him check her health. "Yeah, it is. I don't get it?" Jerry spoke up for both Cas and him, Rueben mumbling something she couldn't understand.

"Don't worry about your *burp* C-Chr-Christmas, Jerry. I'll be with Rueben in my workshop while you guys are having another day in Phil Collins' preverbal paradise." Rick burped out, leading Rueben away.

"That man is full of surprises," Cas commented and Jerry snorted slightly at that before the doorbell rang.

"Okay, this is my parents. Now remember, no TV, no phones, no laptops, and Cas, no powers. We are connecting this Christmas, like old school Jew's on a Saturday," Jerry turned to open the door. Cas furrowed her eyebrows at the last part.

"I don't think the Jewish people celebrate Christmas, Jerry." Cas commented but the door opened before anyone could respond. Behind it were three people, two of which were older, obviously Jerry's parents. "Hey, Hey!" Jerry said, almost shutting the door on the third person, a dark skinned man with a jacket tied around his shoulders. "Uh, hi, can I help you?"

"Jerry, this is Jacob. Didn't you get our text message?" His mother said and everyone shouted no, glaring at Jerry.

"You must be Jerry!" Jacob said, "That's a fine look apron. Willam Sonoma?" He asked and Cas watched the awkward exchange between him and Jerry before Jacob turned to her. "Love the ribbons, girl! Very Christmas-y, you look adorable! I'm Jacob," He held his hand out and Cas eagerly shook it, more amused by the whole situation.

"I'm Cassiopeia Pines but please call me Cas," She smiled before Jerry questioned the presence of Jacob.

"You're a friend of the family?" Jerry asked and his father placed an arm around Jacob's shoulder. "The way we see it, he's a part of the family."

"After your father's brush with cancer and loosing your uncle," His mother took her scarf and ear muffs off as she spoke. "We looked at life and wondered how have we spent it and how do we spend the rest of it? What are we going to be when we die? A list of fears and questions or a collection of real experiences?" Cas and Jerry seemed to be the only ones slightly weirded out by that. However, Cas couldn't even begin to judge then as she put the dots together. After all, she was around the same age as Jacob and she was slowly developing feelings for Rick, who was exactly double her own age.

fun in space | rick sanchez  Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora