Chapter 47 A Handpicked Maid

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“Bring that letter over to me!” Qin Huaiyong commanded while he kept his eyes on Mrs. Qin.

Mrs. Qin lost her nerve, but tried her best to camouflage the panic on her face by pulling a straight face. Although she had meant for this letter to finally end up in Qin Huaiyong’s hands, this was not the time.

However, there was no way she dared to prevent what was happening at this moment, she could only try to steady her trembling hands by holding tightly to her handkerchief.

The general’s sidekick went over to pick up the letter on the floor and handed it to the Qin Huaiyong. As Qin Huaiyong took the letter, he realized that it was a sealed envelope which was addressed to Master Di. Apart from that, there were no other inscriptions on the envelope.

There was nothing special about the handwritings, except that from the light strokes, it was apparent that these handwritings belonged to that of a girl.

It would seem that Qin Wanru was the only one in the household who would address the son of the Di family in this way because Mrs. Qin did not address him in this manner and it seemed impossible for Qin Yuru to be writing the letter at this time when her mother was sick and lying in bed.

It would seem to be the case from the surface!

“Is this the letter which the maid said was written by Wanru?” asked Qin Huaiyong as he lifted a questioning gaze and rested it on Mrs. Qin.

“General… this, this maid said…” Mrs. Qin stammered as she was no longer sounding so confident as she was accusing Qin Wanru a minute ago.

“Is this maid your daughter? Why are you trying to protect her?” asked Qin Huaiyong as he looked coldly at Mrs. Qin.

“I… how could the general accuse me of this? Am I not trying to solve the problem here? It’s just that it’s not been solved and Wanru was blaming me. At this moment, everything was still a little unsettled!” said Mrs. Qin, who brought her handkerchief to her face and tried to look as if she had been wronged.

“Who made the arrangement for this maid to serve Wanru?” asked Qin Huaiyong.

Panicked, Mrs. Qin quickly replied by saying, “She… was handpicked by Wanru and this maid had been serving her for more than a year.”

“Serving her for more than a year? More like the maid had made herself into the mistress! Look at how she dresses! It would look like she is the mistress if she stands next to Wanru and Wanru would be thought as the maid!” As Qin Huaiyong’s eyes came to rest on Qin Wanru, he realized that she was wearing a plain white robe. Although the robe did look beautiful on her, she appeared too modest.

Compared to this maid who was all dolled up, Qin Wanru indeed appeared to be her maid.

“But… but she had been the one to pick this maid for herself,” Mrs. Qin tried to shirk the responsibility. She was not going to confess that she was the one who asked Nanny Fang to persuade Qin Wanru to take Qing Cui in as her maid. At that time, Qin Wanru was only nine years old and it was easy to coax her into a decision.

“When was she at that time?” asked Qin Huaiyong, frowning.

Mrs. Qin was immediately struck dumb by this question. She twisted her handkerchief and gnashed her teeth. She knew there was no way the general would have embarrassed her in front of the crowd in this way if he had not witnessed the scene earlier on.

“Do you mean she was able to make a wise choice at such a young age? I remember that old maid who had been beaten to death as a punishment. Wasn’t she a maid of yours? The maids who are working for Wanru here all reported to you, and this one kind of lord of Wanru. It seemed that all the servants here don’t treat Wanru as their mistress. While they watched the drama going on a moment ago, they were criticizing their mistress. Are you sure Wanru handpicked all of them?”

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