! Rewriting !

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Hello, my lovely viewers!

First off, I'd like to thank all the support I've received on this book as it means the absolute world to me, and as much as I find this book cringe it is kinda important to me.

I'm really sorry it's taking a very long time for me to update and edit the chapters
(TW for the explanation. If you want to skip go to the paragraph below this)
I struggle a lot with mental health. I struggle with anxiety, depression and cptsd as well as manic/hypomanic episodes that aren't linked to a diagnosis yet. Part of cptsd is suicidal ideation which I have been struggling with the most and have been in and out of hospital with it. I am working with a mental health team and they are (very slowly and sort of taking the piss with it) working on getting me medicated. Because of this I don't have enough energy to perform normal living tasks let alone edit and write a book. I hope you can all understand and be patient with me <3

And third,
I've decided it's time to heavily edit this book to the point where it counts as a rewrite!
The only thing about this is my writing style is slightly confusing and I tend to rewrite a chapter then come back and rewrite that same chapter because I don't like my wording- like right now heh. Anyways, we'll get through it somehow.

I'll be editing it a few chapters at a time (or attempting to) so you have a good couple of chapters to read. I'm trying my hardest to at least get 1000 words minimum per chapter so they're not too short.

Also please do feel free to point out any mistakes or areas I could improve in! I enjoy writing but it's not always my strong point so feedback is appreciated. :)

Happy reading everyone and stay safe!


K. Kuran~ (vampire knight fanfic) {IN EDITING} please Read Anyway!Where stories live. Discover now