Chapter Sixteen

Começar do início

Harry was up next. He stepped up, measured for about a minute and then hit the ball. His competitive nature was coming out. Usually, he let his wife win at things. It wasn't that she was a sore loser-- only sometimes-- but most times, it didn't matter. But this was a sport, even if it was mini golf; Harry wasn't able to just lose. The ball bounced off the stone walls and went toward the hole, circling around it before it was thrown off course. It landed in the middle of nowhere. 

Meredith hid her smile.

Pursing his lips, he lined up again. He was fully aware that Meredith was trying to hide her smile. He measured again and putted. The ball went toward the hole, slowly and gently. The ball landed two inches away. Meredith stifled a laugh as Harry had to line up again. He just tapped the ball, and it went in.

Meredith marked down two for her and four for Harry. "Moving on."

Harry kept his mouth shut. He was the first to put on the second hole, and this time, he made it in before Meredith. They went back and forth, taking turns on marking the paper with how many puts it took until the ball landed in the hole. Their competitive side didn't come out slightly; it was on. Neither of them managed to make a hole-in-one until the tenth hole.

This hole involved held two options. Option one meant going up and over a water stream and through some stones to hit the back wall and then go into the hole. Option two involved going uphill that was about five feet high and around a tree trunk, but it was a straight shot from there.

Harry went first, deciding option one. He didn't think he was going to get a hole-in-one, but it was direct. He putted. He decided to go a bit harder, which was definitely Meredith's M.O. The ball skipped over the water stream. It bounced off a few rocks but never made it to the back wall to bounce off. However, Harry was only several inches away from the hole.

Meredith chose the second option. It was another hard putt from her. She hit the ball, which went up and around the tree trunk. Neither of them saw it coming. The ball bounced off the back wall and immediately dropped into the hole after that. She nearly let out a screech of excitement; Harry kept in a growl. Meredith started her celebratory dance.

"I thought you weren't competitive," Harry said because Meredith had said numerous times before that she wasn't. 

"Things happen." She shrugged.

Harry putted his ball in and moved on.

They moved on through the last eight holes, which did get worse as they went. For hole number thirteen, there was a drop off. For hole number sixteen, there were five bumps that the ball had to go over, each had a water stream underneath the edge. Number eighteen was going uphill and hitting off of wooden pillars. Harry got his ball in first, disappearing down into the hole. Meredith went in next.

Hanging up their golf clubs, they moved on, taking their tickets to bumper boats. Harry was nervous about having Meredith play bumper boats, but he didn't voice the concerns. There was no reason that she wasn't supposed to play. The water was only four feet deep after all, and both of the adults stood at least six feet tall. They had to be careful getting in, and a few other people decided to play too. Harry kept his head down, even though they had quickly come to realize that they weren't able to be picked out easily. 

When the whistle sounded, they were off. Harry immediately went into the fray, trying to take out as much boats as he was able in three minutes. No one was knocked into the water, and people continued to bump him back. Meredith took a more hesitated approach, going around the sides and hitting people when necessary and unsuspecting. She was a dirty player.

That came into effect again when Harry and Meredith got into their go-carts. The teenagers that had to start the go-carts didn't look pleased to be doing this work, but this was their summer jobs. It was only Harry and Meredith on the race track. More and more cars had started to show up, and people were starting to flood into the park. Their first stop wasn't the the go-cart track.

Harry had the driving history. He had done the sports cars, and he liked to drive motorcycles. He had a history of helicopters too. Meredith, on the other hand, was able to drive when needed, but it wasn't her favorite thing to do. But when the light turned green, she was the first out of the gate, cutting Harry off before he even got a chance.

"Damn it!" he hollered as Meredith took an early lead.

There were four laps around, and their go-carts were only able to take them so fast. Meredith was perfect on straight lanes or slight turns, but when it came time for hard turns, she slowed down incredibly. Harry knew how to drift, and he did. Those turns meant nothing for him. He quickly took the lead, only to have it snatched from him when Meredith sped up. Maybe she had faster go-cart, or maybe she had a heavier lead foot. Harry had been with her a lot of driving, and it was definitely the heavier foot. He was surprised she didn't have a speeding ticket. 

The light turned white. It was the final lap.

Meredith pressed her foot down. She took the lead, shifting in her seat as she moved through the obstacle course that had old black tires as the guarders. Harry tried to keep his speed up. He bit his bottom lip as he went he took a turn hard. Meredith had slowed down, careful not to spin out. Harry didn't have that hesitation. He took the lead. Meredith's engine roared, and she caught up, becoming even with him. She flashed him a smile, and her go-cart went ahead. Next, they went through the slight turns. Meredith kept her lead, covering the whole field, even though Harry tried to catch up with her. She didn't give him a chance to pass. This was the difference between NASCAR and Formula 1. Harry had to have his own pride.

The final turn was hard, and Meredith had to slow down. Harry had slowed down on the other laps too here. The last turn meant going straight into the hold where the other go-carts were held and parked. Meredith wasn't willing to crash into more go-carts, but for the win, Harry was. He did win, and then he crashed into the go-cart in front of them. He was held in his seat by a seat belt, and the go-cart was protected by rubber all the way around. He wasn't even injured.

Meredith wasn't impressed as she pulled in. Harry gave her a cocky smile. Her only response was "hmm."

They left the park with both having a win. Meredith took home the prize for mini golf, and Harry had the prize for go-carts. 

Harry drove them into town. Meredith had texted her father about dinner, but he hadn't responded. He was probably too busy fishing. In Park Rapids, Meredith and Harry grabbed dinner. No one blinked an eye at them. Harry settled in comfortably when that had been a challenge for him, and Meredith was actually able to keep the food down for a change.

They went back to the cabin. Having brought home leftovers for her father, they found him down at the dock still. Meredith asked if he had been fishing all day, and her father said that he had taken a nap during the middle of the day. Meredith was ready for one of those too, but she chose to put on her swimsuit and headed down to the beach. Harry joined her too. Instead of swimming or reading, he took that nap. He woke before the sun went down, and they watched that together.

Life in the Palace (Prince Harry #5)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora