Chapter Three

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When Meredith woke up, it wasn't the morning anymore. The blackout curtains had done their job, and Harry was long gone from the bed. Meredith didn't mind too much because he probably tried to sneak out before her father woke up, but he probably didn't make it. Her father had always been an early riser, and with his job still going on because he liked working too much, he probably went in early.

Sighing, Meredith rolled over, feeling groggier than ever. At least her stomach didn't feel ready to burst.

Pulling open the curtain, bright sunlight streamed through, and she immediately felt the heat. Meredith let out a groan. She had had enough of the heat. Slowly, she detached herself from the bed and stood on the plush pink carpet. At one time, it was bright pink, but it had turned to vomit pink. At that thought, it made her stomach lurch, but she managed to keep it down.

Opposite of her bed was a dirty mirror, where Meredith used to write messages and reminders to herself. Sometimes it was the only thing that kept her sane. Meredith checked to make sure the door was closed tightly. It was, and she turned back to the mirror and lifted her shirt. Her stomach naturally hung out with stretchmarks, and it hadn't changed since the beginning of the pregnancy. It was too early on, and people weren't going to notice right away anyway. However, Meredith was going to be the first to notice.

Letting the shirt fall, Meredith left the room and went downstairs.  Harry was still not found, and she helped herself to the kitchen. Nothing looked particularly appetizing, but since it was after noon, ice cream was completely okay. With the lawnmower going outside, Meredith checked, and Harry was out mowing the lawn on the riding lawnmower. He was such a good husband. Taking out a spoon, Meredith dug in.

The kitchen was circular, and she used to put on her fuzzy socks and slid around. For how many times she fell, she wasn't going to do it now, but that didn't stop her from turning up the music and letting herself dance.

It had been a while, and she missed it. There had not been enough time for dance parties when on tour. Most of her time alone was spent reading and relaxing. Turning up the music and going crazy with the movies was probably frowned upon. Now, she took the opportunity. The dance moves were interchanged with bites of ice cream, which just made her go crazier with the moves.

Meredith danced so hard that she didn't even hear Harry come in. She twisted and turned, and when she looked, he was there, leaning against the long cabinets. It was a second of surprise, and then a large grin crossed her face. "Come on," she said, curling her finger. "Come dance."

Harry knew how much his wife liked to dance, and he knew how much Meredith was going to hound him until he danced. So, he humored her. Harry started to shake his hips and move toward her.

Meredith let out a howl of laughter. "You're horrible."

"I think I'm sexy." Harry shook  his hips wildly, but he definitely no Shakira. "Do you like this?"

"Oh God." She rolled her eyes.

"Come on. I know this is what you like." Harry continued to move in-- what he thought-- a sexy way, where his hips moved side to side and he tried to body roll. "Yes, you like this."

"Okay," she mumbled, and Harry chuckled. Her own laughter filled the room, but it was drowned out by the music that had a killer beat and a smooth rhythm. Harry didn't know this song, but he danced anyway. Meredith's kind of music was rarely Top 40s; she found the most obscure music possible. It always opened up a new avenue to a new time. It gave Harry another thing to love his wife for.

Harry tried to bust a new move, and Meredith shook her head. "Nope."

"Come on," he groaned.

"Nope." Meredith walked over and put her hands on his hips. "Move like this." She moved his hips-- or at least tried. Harry wasn't good at keeping a beat. "At least try."

"I am," he whined with a smile. Moving his hips with her hands lasted a full ten seconds before Harry decided to do his own thing, grinding his hips in a seductive way. "Do you like this?"

"Ugh." Meredith stepped back. "I see you have something on your mind."

"We're home alone," he said.

She laughed but wasn't able to disagree. However, they were in her parents' house. Harry was used to sleeping with girls in his father's apartment that was way larger than this house, but Meredith wasn't able to get away with it-- not that she tried. Her father was set to be home in several hours, but even then, she was concerned that he was going to randomly appear.

Leaning in, Meredith pressed her lips to his ear and said, "No." She pulled back and went back to dancing. "By the way, you need a shower. You stink."

Harry chuckled, taking her answer, but a shower was probably a good thing. "And if I'm clean?"

Meredith rolled her eyes. "Is sex the only thing you think about?"

He scoffed. "No." Harry gave her a wink as he passed, heading upstairs.

When Meredith heard the shower turn on, Meredith turned the music to a faster song. Taking a bite of ice cream, she went back to jamming out, moving her body faster than when she danced alone before. Spinning in the kitchen, Meredith felt alive. When the song finished, she was completely out of breath and drenched in sweat. Letting out a sigh, Meredith put away the ice cream.

The water was still running, and Meredith leaned on the counter for a second, considering her options. Her tongue ran over to her lips at one of the thoughts. The water continued to run.

Going upstairs, Meredith stripped because she, too, needed a shower, and Harry just happened to be using it. Meredith pulled back the shower curtain, and Harry let a smile spread across his face. He got a certain glint in his eye.

"Make it quick," she said, stepping in.

"That's not very sex, but I'll do my best." Harry closed the shower curtain.

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