Alice's Pov

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Today's the day I heard someone said. Yep, today's my birthday since I never like celebrating without my sister, So I wait before celebrating my birthday it wouldn't feel right doing on the day of our birthday without my sister so we decided that we should have it a couple weeks later. I Just hope Ellie comes to my birthday ball. But just like last year and the year before or any year since I was 6. She never made it to my birthday ball. She slowly stop contacting me until she stop contacting me. That was at the time when everything went down hill for me same time My Mother remarried. I always hope my parents would get back together. But its unlikely now. I given up on that dream. So now my entire family is broken just like the story that people talk about the kingdom. I have a step brother but we don't get along that well.

My two maids are my best friends. I don't get out much. I feel trapped and all these responsibilities is just to much and it gets even worse. Some people want to my step brother to take the throne when we are older. Because some people think I can't rule because I am a girl. I am not letting my step brother take away my throne.  Anyways, Alisa and Grace was helping me get ready for the ball.

Option 6

I feel they all pretty but the only one that spoke to me is option 6

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I feel they all pretty but the only one that spoke to me is option 6.

I hope Ellie is coming. Its not the same. After trying on the dresses we chose the pink dress. Mom was busy so she didn't have time to see me but I'm used to already. "Happy birthday to me" I said with sarcasm. I wish this day to be over with. I hardly see my my father like my sister. Alisa had to leave so Grace kept me company. I went to my bed and took a nap before the ball. I probably be bored at the ball. I don't really have fun at my ball. I would rather be on my balcony and looked at the stars. Some how when I look up in the sky and I see stars it reminds me, Ellie. I sighed before getting for the ball. Alisa came back and helped me into my dress. While Grace did my hair. I didn't need makeup.

Its been 2 hours since my ball started and still no sign of Ellie. I was going to give her necklace to her. I guess, I could send it to her. Grace came to entertain me since I was bored. I wish this night could end. I started to sneak out of the ball room and went to my secret Garden. I just needed to be alone. What's the point of having a gift  when she doesn't even come. "She might have better things to do then visit me" I thought.

This ball is the same as last year and the year before. Its all the same. I'm like the person who have bad luck. I'm broken like the prophecy of our broken kingdom. I saw a shooting star in the sky. I wish upon a star that gleam so bright. That someone can cheer me up and shine some light in my life. And just maybe my sister will finally come but I know that's not true, she's not coming. I already lost hope for her to come it's already been 2 hours, I know she's not coming.

I sighed and threw the necklace near a tree when I saw a black cat. The black cat is known to have bad luck then again I have bad luck my whole entire life. I picked him up and head back inside. The cat had part of the necklace in his mouth. When I bumped into someone.

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