Meeting Jake

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(Hi guys, sorry it took so long to update) here's the next chapter

Jake is the name. I live with my sister Rapunzel with our mother Gothel but she likes us to call her Mother Gothel. Anyways, Rapunzel doesn't want to leave the tower because she's afraid of the world and what's in it. And she has glowing hair. Glowing hair that heals and that can make people look young when she sings. Rapunzel and I always sneak out of our bedroom and looked at the lights that appear on her birthday every year. Rapunzel met a chameleon when we were younger. She name him Pascal. We played hide and seek a lot and it was a lot of fun. I am old enough to go out hopefully I can go and see what's out there for Rapunzel and I, you might be asking well she is turning 18, she's hoping mother would allow her to go see the lights up close. It's not like stars how do I know this well, its because Rapunzel learns if its the stars but it doesn't appear other times only on her birthday. I am also 18 but I turn 18 couple weeks earlier than her. Rapunzel asked mother gothel if she could see the floating lanterns. Gothel said, No.
That's gothel for you.

After a couple of days a guy showed up and Rapunzel hit him with a frying pan he got knocked out. Remind me not to get under her bad side. I feel a little bad for the guy. Eventually, Rapunzel gave up asking mother so she made this guy named Flynn Rider. I don't trust him plus he is wanted. I saw it on the wanted sign in his satchel along with the crown he had in his satchel too. My guess is he probably stole it. And he is wanted alive or dead that tells you not to interact with him.

So as the big brother I decided to go with Rapunzel to make sure nothing bad happens to her. Plus, it's a good chance to see everything and since rapunzel is my little sister, I have to be protected from her. So here, we are on our way to the lights, but Flynn calls it the floating lanterns but to get to Corona we need to pass the Eclipse City kingdom. I'm going to escape the tower and my freedom the problem is I don't want to leave Rapunzel alone. On the other side of Corona is a neighboring kingdom named the lunar Kingdom. Otherwise known as the moon kingdom

Flynn Rider took us to a place called  "Snuggly Duckling" when you hear the word Snuggly Duckling you would think that it's fuzzy and cute. Well, I was wrong it's full of thugs. I stood in front of Rapunzel and protected her from the thugs. Everyone found out about Flynn and blah blah blah they all started to singing right when Rapunzel stopped them and said: "I got a dream."

I'm going to skip the whole song they part where they sing. Get to the fun part about where the guards came. Turns out there was an underground tunnel. It was cool until Flynn riders enemies saw us. There were the criminals and guards. Not what I signed up for. We escaped all right but the water came and trapped us in a cave. Not what I was expecting to die soo soon. I haven't even got to explore the outside world. I've been trapped my whole life and I just now left. I'm too young to die.

Flynn and I try to get the rocks to move to let out the water and to escape the cave. Since the water was coming up we were telling the truth about somethings. Flynn told us that his real name was Eugene Fitzherbert wow that was better than Flynn rider since he was telling the truth about his name. I told Rapunzel how I wanted to leave the tower a long time ago but never did since I didn't want to leave Rapunzel alone in the tower. Rapunzel told Flynn or Eugene that she had magical glowing hair. I think that's when she and I realized that she can give us light from her hair. We held our breath while her glowed. Eugene and I managed to get the rocks to move. We'd escaped the cave. The water flowed out. I'm going to bet that Eugene is going to freak out about little sis's hair glowed. It's not normal but we're not normal.

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