Chapter 16

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Desiree's POV
We reach Ella and Alessia's ship as soon as possible and hop aboard. It's early morning, we've been running all night.
"Roberto's army is resting. We can rest too," Rosalia says, sitting down on the deck.
"Agreed," Alessia says. She turns to one of their crew members. "Watch over the ship while we rest. If you see anyone coming, start sailing towards Syria."
The crew member nods and hollers up to the man in the crow's nest, who get's the message and flashes a thumbs-up sign.
"Now, we may sleep," Ella says.
She leads us to the bunkhouse, where rows and rows of bunk beds are lined against the walls.
"There are enough extras for everyone. Choose one that doesn't have stuff near it and rest," Alessia says.
I choose a bunk beside the wall and curl up under the blankets, letting a curtain of sleep cloud my mind.
When I wake up, I can feel the ship rocking under me. I stand up and walk onto the deck, where Alessia and Ella are standing.
"Good morning, Desiree!" Ella says.
"Good morning, Ella. How far from land are we?" I ask.
"A couple of hours. When I woke, we had just gotten away from the dock."
I nod and stare in the direction of Venezia.
"I never got to say goodbye to Leonardo or Ezio," I mutter. Alessia grins from where she's standing and walks over.
"Do not fret, they know where you're going," she says.
"How?" I ask.
Alessia reaches into her coat and hands me two letters.
"I had one of my crew members find them and tell them where you're going. They both wrote you letters for you to keep with you until you return to Italy."
"Grazie, mia signora!" I exclaim, grinning widely. I sit down on the deck of the ship, right against the wall, and open the first letter from Leonardo.
"Dear Desiree,
I was told that you're going to Syria and Britain to meet up with some other assassins. I am very proud of you. This is a lot of responsibility for a 22 year old. I just ask that you stay safe, mia signora. Don't jump into things that you can't handle. Get help from the other girls. They really do want to help, Desiree. Now, as one of your best friends, I want to say that I do love you as a sister, Des. If anything happened to you, I would never forgive myself. Please, return to Venezia. I want to know that you're going to be alright. Keep this letter with you so you can remember that there are people who care about you.
Leonardo da Vinci."
I grin and tuck the letter carefully into its envelope. I put it into my pocket and open the letter from Ezio.
"Dear Desiree,
So, my little girl is travelling around and meeting other assassins. I thought it would be me to do those things. but I am here in Italy, helping train some of the new assassins and keeping Roberto at bay. I'm so proud of you, Desiree. On that fateful night when Muncina killed your parents and I took you in and took care of you, I saw so much potential. You're pretty much my daughter, though it was never made official. You kept the name Miglia, and I liked that because you can carry out your family's legacy. Desiree, I just ask you to stay safe. I don't want to be told that you were killed and that you will never return to Venezia. I love you, and please come home. Leonardo and I will be companions while you are gone, and we're thinking of you.
Ezio Auditore de Firenze"
I tuck the letter into my pocket with the one from Leo and stand up.

"When will we arrive in Syria?" I ask. Ella looks at her compass and map.

"Uh, roughly two days," she says. I nod and walk to my bunk, where I lie down and stare at the roof.

I can't wait to get to Syria.

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