"I can ask Sean to buy some."Sanja replied and Meryl sighed.

"Pierce!"Meryl roared and Pierce immediately ran to her.

"Babe, what is it?"Pierce asked and he saw Meryl dip the asparagus in the ice cream and ate it.

"Can you buy some brussel sprouts at the local store?"Meryl asked and Pierce just nodded.

"Okay, babe."Pierce replied and he left.

"What's with the weird cravings?"Louisa asked and Meryl who just saw Marley, carried Marley to the counter top.

"Why do you care?I just want it."Meryl answered with a hint of annoyance.

"Guama, ice cweam."Marley whispered and Meryl started feeding her.

"Hmmm, yummy?"Meryl asked with a wide smile and Marley just nodded.

"Mom, can I have some?"Nicky who just came from where her brothers are, suddenly asked and Meryl fed her.

"You want that or other flavor?"Meryl asked Nicky and Nicky drank water before answering.

"I want strawberry."Nicky answered.

"After dinner, okay?"Meryl replied and Nicky just nodded.

Pierce arrived after almost an hour and Meryl is frowning at him.

"What do you want about the brussel sprouts mom?"Sanja who is the cook for the night asked.

"I want roasted brussel sprouts."Meryl answered and Sanja just nodded.

"Boys, set up the table now!"Meryl yelled but after a few moments, no signs of the Brosnan boys are seen at the dining area. Meryl carried Marley and she headed to the place where the boys are and she looks fuming.

"Are you guys deaf or you guys just pretend that you don't hear me?"Meryl asked and the boys who each have a bottle of beer in their hands looked at her.

"Mom, I swear, we haven't heard what you said."Dylan said.

"I screamed my lungs out and you didn't hear me?"Meryl asked, irritated.

"Just...just please set up the table now?Dinner is almost ready."Meryl said, trying to be calm and she headed back to the kitchen.

Their pre-dinner is all about obeying Meryl and when dinner time came, they all start having fun with Meryl eating almost everything. Of course, Meryl's girls noticed her sudden change of attitude and eating habit. After their dinner, the planned girls' meeting is held outside the house around the bon fire. They are seating on their bean bags with drinks beside them.

"Something is weird about mom."Mamie who is breastfeeding her son uttered.

"Mom doesn't usually request for that much of food and her appetite is not always like that."Sanja said and Mamie nodded.

"And her mood swings."Sanja added.

"You think mom and pops are going through some you know, things?"Louisa asked and Dylan suddenly arrived with Paris.

"What's up?"Dylan asked and he sat beside Louisa. Paris sat beside Grace, and Louisa sighed before talking.

"I just think that mom and pops are going through something that they don't wanna tell us."Louisa uttered as she lean on Dylan.

"They were fine before we left the house in New York and I can see them doing sweet things to each other."Paris uttered.

"But do you think that something happened that's why mom suddenly became like annoyed with everyone."Grace said and Paris shrugged his shoulders.

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