Prom II

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They walked in to the gymnasium to see lights flashing everywhere. Julia was searching for Abby as Jacob left to go with his friends. She couldn't find her so she went to where no one was and started to text Abby

Hey where are you

When she sent that she kept looking around until she heard a ding coming from her phone.

Near the snacks

Abby was one of her only friends, so when she got there she saw her "friend group". It was basically all Abby friends that Julia had to hang around.

"Hey we were looking all over for you" Abby said

"Yeah we were" this brown headed girl named Sarah.

"Oh well I was just" she got cut off when she heard Dancing Queen by ABBA playing on the speakers. Abby looked at Julia and they were off to the dance floor, with Brandon and Jacob following behind. And their they were having the time of there lives. Being only seventeen not knowing their lives could end drastically.

The Prom Queen KillerWhere stories live. Discover now