ch. 3

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"I-i already told them. And they didn't believe me." You said, tears forming once again in your eyes.

Jared sat there and wiped your tears away. "Don't cry."

You just broke down, and he held you just like he held you when you were in the cafeteria.


"T-thanks." You said, finally calmed down.
Jared gave you a nod before going back to class, you eventually went back home.

Hearing a knock at the door, you opened it to see your pissed off parents. They immediately scolded you for what happened in the cafeteria. They took your phone and sent you to your room.

You huffed before using the housephone to call Jared.

"Wow, they did that. Such assholes." Jared said, listening to you rant about your shitty parents.

"Yeah. And it wasn't even my fucking fault." You exclaimed, huffing.

"I know. Someone aughta do something for it!" He said, somewhat enraged by the situation.

"I wish. But it can't be fixed if noone believes." You said, sighing. "Look, Kleinman, I gotta go. Talk to you later?" You asked, hearing your parents call you for dinner.

"Yeah. Sure." He said, hanging up and leaving you to go deal with your sorry excuse of parents.

You ate silently, feeling glares at you. You rolled your eyes to them and just kept eating. You left the subject alone, hoping and praying to God, they would not bring it up. And they didn't, suprisimgly. They just looked at you with disappointment, offering whispers to each other, snickering.

After just went upstairs and tried to imagine that little headspace. Where it was just you and Jared ans nothing else.

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