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a few days later, you'd been called into the principal's office. the principal, your father looked at you with seething eyes.

"do you mind explaining to me why john morales was grinding on you in the cafeteria?" you gulped, hoping what you said would be believeable.

"you see sir-i'm talking!" the principal said, interrupting you. "i thought you'd change. not being some slut out on the streets."

"sir-i'm not finished! and on top of that, jared kleinman punched him in the face. he's a good kid, not so much about jared." you rubbed your shoulder, tears coming to your eyes.

"now, you can speak." your dad said to you, a pissed off look on his face.

"i'm sorry if i wasn't the perfect daughter for you sir, but john raped me."

"i don't believe that as much as i believe pigs fly." you then walked out. "oh, you'll believe." you said before slamming the door before your dad could say anything else. you ditched your other classes, sitting out on the bleachers. jared saw you and frowned.

"what are you doing here? you should be in art."
"i didn't feel like going." you said, holding your shoulders. he wrapped his arm around you.
"the others told me what happened. john is going to fucking pay for what he did."
"please don't do anything." you pleaded, looking into his chocolate eyes.
he sighed. "for you, i won't. but you have to tell your parents about this."

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